Chapter 11

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I stayed looking at myself in the mirror for what felt like hours, which probably was. I turned and looked at my alarm. It was about to ring any second now.

I didn't get up to turn it off. I stayed put knowing it'll turn off by itself in a couple minutes. I sighed and finally got up after the ringing stopped. I went into the restroom, took my shower, and got ready, taking my time in the process.

I don't know when or how I'll get used to seeing with one eye. I went down stairs not bothering to hide my eye since no one is awake at 5 am. What should I make this time?

I walked to the fridge and saw bananas and pancake mix. Oh well, pancakes it is. I took out the ingredients and made breakfast. I burned myself by accident a couple times while pouring the mix into the pan and at one moment it almost slipped out of my hands. That would have been hard to clean up.

After a while, I put everything on the table and left. I got my backpack and as I closed the door of the house, I heard everyone walk into the kitchen.

I began walking to school and smiled in content as I looked up at the sky and felt light raindrops on my face. I love the rain, it's like the sky is crying with me everytime water falls. I walked extra slow to school, wanting to enjoy the peace and rain.

Eventually, I made it into the school building and saw Connor talking with Layla at the end of the hall. I didn't have my werewolf hearing so I couldn't tell what they were saying but from the looks of it, it wasn't a happy conversation

It was like they sensed my presence as soon as i walled into school because a second later, it stopped and Layla walked away leaving Connor alone. I went up to him and smiled "Hi". I didn't bother hiding my face from him. I trust Connor with all my life even though we only met a day ago.

I didn't get a greeting back as Connor turned around and looked at me "Where were you yest-" he stopped mid sentence and his eyes went wide. I blinked a couple times to see a little better. For a second I thought I saw his eyes turn blood red. All of a sudden, he took my hand and led me into an empty classroom.

"You know there's no one outside in the halls right?" I said playfully as I looked up at him. He closed and locked the door then turned to me. "Who did this to you" I flinched a little at the sudden power behind his voice, he must have noticed because his eyes softened. "Jade? Who did this to you" I couldn't tell him that I'm part werewolf, he would think I'm nuts.

He sighed and stepped closer "Jade. . . I know that you're part werewolf." I gapped and stepped back, how the hell did he know?!
"H-how d-do you know?" I asked in a hushed voice. "Have you found your mate yet Jade?" he asked, ignoring my question.

I thought it over. Should I tell him I found my mate even though Alex threatened me not to tell? I looked at him and contemplated for a while, him waiting though I could see he was getting impatient.

Oh what the heck. I have nothing to lose anyways, "Yes"

*Connor's POV*

My chest tightened when Jade clarified that she did have a mate.

I looked at her face and even though she had only one eye brown, she was still beautiful as ever.

"Connor?" I blinked a couple times and shook my head to concentrate. "Who's your mate Jade" I asked, she looked down and twiddled with her thumbs then mumbled something. "What?" she mumbled again but slightly louder. "My mate is Alex Knight" she started but ended in a hushed tone.

I only saw red and my gums began to burn. That son of a bitch is Jade's mate?! Is this some sort of sick joke? My fangs came out but I kept my mouth shut, making them pierce into my tongue

I instantly calmed down once Jade gently took my hand in hers and pulled me towards the door "The bell rang dumby and we better go unless you want to be late" She opened the door and we went out into the crowded hallway. I pulled her infront of me so that I can steer her to prevent bumping into people, almost tripping in the process

I heard a faint growl and turned around to see Alex shooting glares at my hands who were on Jade. She was too busy observing the ground while trying to only step on the blue tiles, to even notice him. I tensed when he began walking our way, there's no way in hell he's hurting her anymore. I stopped and so did Jade as she was holding my hand. "Connor?" she asked looking up at me as I gently pushed her behind my back, making her slightly pout when her foot landed on the white tile.

She then noticed that Alex was coming and began to shake. He stopped infront of me and sniffed. He growled and his eyes turned black, making me smirk. Big bad Alpha knows I'm a vampire now.

He turned to Jade and was about to snatch her away when I quickly grabbed hold of his arm. "She's with me Knight" I said looking directly at him, he snarled and was going for a punch when Jade suddenly hissed in pain.

Alex stopped and looked at Jade with something I couldn't comprehend. He must have seen her eye.

I turned and caught her just before she hit the ground.

I picked her up bridal style as the pain she was feeling got stronger and walked out the school. As soon as I stepped into the forest, I ran as fast as I can back to my house. Jade whimpered and her breathing was coming out in short gasps.

In a couple seconds I arrived at my house and took her up to my room. Her skin began to turn a sickly red color as if she was being burned from the inside. Jade screamed as I placed her on my bed

I started murmuring a chant I learned many years ago and her screams soon died down. I stay looking at her sleep for the rest of the day, not wanting for her to be in anymore pain.

I thought back to earlier when we were in school and noticed that not once did that son of a bitch show regret. I gripped the handles of my chair, almost breaking them. If he won't accept her then I just got to take matter into my own hands.

My Mate Is Killing Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now