Chapter 14

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Author's Note: (FOR THE PEOPLE WHO FIRST READ THIS) There is more to this chapter. Im sorry if all of you were a little confused at all the mistakes. Wattpad had a glitch I think? Or it was probably my phone because the chapter that was published only showed half of it and it had many errors that I didn't make. It's fixed now and I'm sorry again>.<

*Layla's POV*

I moan as the delicious taste of blood fills my mouth. I gulped all of what was left in his body and then threw him to the ground. I licked my lips and began putting on my clothes that were laying on the alley ground.

What was his name again? Ben? Brad? Oh well, I could care less. I put back on my tight, red dress that went just below my lady parts, and my black heels. Once again felt guilty for cheating on Alex but I need blood to survive. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him. I know he'll devastated.

I smiled at the thought of the great Alex Knight. He's been on my mind ever since I stepped into what is now my high school. I was so jealous that moment Jade bumped into him I swear I wanted to rip her hairs off on the spot but I contained myself.

Ever since then, Jade has been on my hate list. I purposely bring up Alex when I'm with her because every single time, her eyes show nothing but agony and that gives me immense pleasure. She's so easy to hurt, it's funny.

I giggled and did a happy twirl at the thought of getting rid of her with my bare hands. Just the thought made my hands twitch

I walked into the dark forest, and began running full speed to Connor's house. In a matter of seconds I arrived bit stopped suddenly when I heard something. What was it? I tried walking but it was as if something was holding me down. What the heck? Was it singing? The more I thought about it, the louder it got.

"Forever and ever the scars will remain"

A feeling of extreme sadness consumed me and tears rolled down my face. Why the heck was I crying? My body instantly began to kneel down. My eyes widen, what the hell was going on?! The voice kept singing and with every word, I fought against my own body from kneeling.

I let out a ragged breath when a sudden force pushed me down, making me kneel on the forest ground. No matter what I did, I couldn't get up. My vampire strength couldn't even break this force.

"Leave me here forever in the dark"

The voice stopped and that's when I was able to move my body again. I was out of breath as I got up on my two feet. I took a step forward but didn't have full control over my body, making me stumbled a bit. What was that sudden force?

Eventually I regained my strength and was able to move again. I needed to get out of here. I turned the other direction and ran, stumbling multiple times.

I went as far away as I can get. What was that voice?

It sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Why do I still feel so. . . . hurt? Betrayed?

I shook my head and continued running. Must be all that blood I drank.

I smiled wide when a sudden thought came to mind. I should check up on Alex, he'll most likely be asleep right about now but it wouldn't hurt to see my love. I ran faster until I reached the familiar mansion in the forest. I stayed a safe distance away from the guards to not be seen. I jumped and a second later, I was on the top floor which is Alex's floor. I come regularly so I know where his room is.

I opened the window without laying a finger on it and gracefully stepped inside the house, without making a sound. I know where all the creaks are already so I know where to step.

I walked down the hallway that seems to go on forever, until I stoped at the once again familiar black door. I smiled wide and squealed quietly to myself, just when I was about to open the door with my mind to not make noise, I heard what sounded like a moan?

"Alex baby don't stop!" a girl moaned louder as the sound of the headboard began banging against the wall. My eyes turned red and my fangs came out. Is this slut forcing Alex to fuck her?! Alex would never do this to me so obviously it must be her. Every moan that came out of that tramps mouth had me wanting blood.

I kicked the door and it flew open, almost coming off its hinges. She screamed and Alex turned around with no expression on his face. Luckily he had a sheet over himself or else I might have lost control.

I turned to the girl and noticed that I've seen her around school, always drooling over Alex. What was her name again? Ashley? Oh well I don't care.

I stomped towards her and grapped a fist full of her hair. "Why the hell are you fucking my boyfriend?!" I screamed at her and threw her to the floor. She smirked and that was it. I kicked her in the face with my heel and smiled when I heard a crack.

"What the fuck you crazy bitch!" she screamed and cradled her nose that was dripping blood. The scent made my gums burn and my mouth water.

All of a sudden Alex pushes me up against the wall just as I was about to walk over to the girl. I laugh and struggle against his grip that he has around my neck

"Just a taste! Let me get a taste" I said in a demonic tone that it even gave me the chills.

He pressed me harder against the wall, making it crack but I laughed harder and kept struggling. I looked deeply into her frightened eyes and into her soul.

"Your mate rejected you didn't he?" I said with fake sympathy and grinned when she whimpered. "You fuck and take people's boyfriends just to fill that thing you call a heart." I continued as Alex growled and his eyes turned black. "What's your mate's name? Oh wow I can't tell but he made a good choice, I mean who would want a whore as a mate?"

Those words seemed to struck something in her because she immediately broke down.

I opened my mouth to say more but Alex dragged me out of his room and into another

*Alex's POV*

I dragged the damn leech out of the room where Ashley was in before she said anything else. I pushed her outside and went to a different room.

"No need to be so harsh baby" Layla said as she pressed herself against me. If this was another situation I would have enjoyed this, but not now.

"What are you doing here Layla" I asked her, already annoyed by her presence. "I just wanted to come see you that's all" she said while licking her lips. Yea I bet but I have to play the boyfriend role around her.

"Uh listen. . . . babe" I cringed.

"Don't use your gift on other people, ok?" If she would have said anything else, Ashley will find out about everything. I almost lost control over my wolf because of her.

I hate blood suckers.

"Ok baby whatever makes you happy, I gotta go now. Try not to miss me"

She winked before leaving the room and going out the window? So that's how she got in.

I sighed and walked back into the room only to find nobody here. Was what Layla said true about Ashley? Eh, who cares.

"Mate" Cane whimpered. He's been on edge the entire day and hasn't stopped thinking of Jade.

"Let me sleep Cane" He simply growled and continued pacing.

I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes before going to sleep.

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