Chapter 17

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*Jade's POV*

I sat down on Connor's bed, waiting for him to speak. From the look in his eyes, I knew this wasn't going to be easy for neither of us. "Jade. . . did anyone ever tell you the reason why rouges murdered your parents?"

Did there even had to be a reason? I always assumed rouges killed seemingly for no reason. After all, that is what they're known for. "No" I replied. Connor stayed silent for a while, but continued.

"Well there is a reason. . . they wanted the power of the wicked." The power of the what? "Um what is that, exactly?" I asked and Connor's face went blank, "It's the power to control all evil." I shivered at the response and it suddenly felt as if the room turned cold. The power to control evil? What did that have to do with my parents?

"Your parents had what the rouges wanted. . . and that was you" They wanted me? "What did I have that they so badly wanted?" I asked even though I knew in the back of my mind, the answer. I just hoped it wasn't true. "You, Jade. . .you have the power of the wicked."

Okay I must be dreaming.

"This is a joke right?" I laughed awkwardly but went quiet when I saw Connor's expression. "Why do you think I asked you to sing back when we were being chased?" I didn't say anything, but why did he ask me to? "Whenever you sing Jade, that power you have, shows itself meaning you can control the wicked. . . and because of that, vampires feel threatened. They don't like the fact that you can control them. Rouges want to have it, while vampires want it destroyed."

Is this really what I am?

"That is why rouges killed your parents. They knew you had that power and wanted it for themselves." I didn't know what to say. Then again, what could I? I still couldn't comprehend what Connor was saying but, this does explain why the vampires froze when we were being chased. Why were they kneeling though? I looked at him, "Why did they kneel then?" he smiled a little "Because you're our ruler."

Our. I almost passed out.

Wait a second, Conner is one of them. . . A vampire. Vampires want me dead. My eyes went wide and I slowly backed away from him, "p-please do-on't hurt me" I pressed myself against one corner of the room and buried my head in my knees, trying to distance myself as far away as I could get. The thought of having Connor hate me, made my body ache. I sobbed when I heard nothing. Did he want to kill me? Was this his plan all along?

I was suddenly pulled into strong arms and instantly my body relaxed, and I almost forgot why I was scared. "Jade. Never in a million years will I hurt you. I'll give anything just to keep you safe." Something in his voice told me he was telling the truth, and I believed him. Being in his arms felt safe and that is something I've been craving for, for a long, long time.

We stayed in that position for what felt like forever, but I wasn't complaining. He pulled away and stood, picking me up with him. Connor set me down on the bed again, "what am I supposed to do with this. . . wicked. . . thing?" I asked. Was I going to face more vampires? After that incident, I'm pretty sure I don't want to.

"Well, that's a little harder to explain because this is where your mate comes along." Connor said 'mate' as if it was poison, which it is in my case. I flinched and my chest stung at the thought of my mate. I haven't seen him in two days and even though this will sound crazy, I miss him. Even though his smiles are never meant for me, from a distance, they still manage to spark something inside me. Something I crave for.

. . . It's a mate thing. . .

"Since you're mates, he needs to accept the mating. . . If he doesn't" Connor paused and looked at the floor with such hatred that it even surprised me ". . . If he doesn't, the pains you get will be worse. Jade, your spirit will die. Your wolf will die. . . and because you can control evil, you will become it. Any memory of your past will vanish. The wicked is what you'll become."

I felt as if I was suddenly out of breath. Like if I've been running for miles. This had to be a dream. A nightmare. Something other than reality. . . is this the reason why it feels as if the world was against me?

Alex. Alex. Alex. I need him more than anything now. I cleaned the tears off my damp face and looked at Connor. I can't do this to him. If I turn evil, who knows what I would do. Alex needs to accept me. I can't lose Mell again. Eric is the only family I have left

"I can't run away from my problems." I said to myself but I'm positive Connor heard. Things need to change. I need to change, and quick. Before I could even blink, the front door of Connor's house burst open. It echoed throughout the entire house that even though I was way upstairs, I still heard it.

"Con where are you?!" The person called. It was the same female voice I heard the other day. Connor visibly tensed and cursed under his breath, "Jade, don't leave this room. Whatever happens." he said looking straight at me. I nodded as he walked out, quietly shutting the door. As soon as it closed, I got up and pressed my ear against the door.

"What the hell do you want." Connor spat in the distance. "Do you know who was just about to discover your location?" the female said. Wait a minute, was it Layla? Before Connor replied, she answered her own question. "Alex. That's who. And why? Because you keep parading yourself around that mutt. You're lucky I saw him just in time to cover it's scent." It didn't take a genius to know she was talking about me. Even so, my heart fluttered. Alex was looking for me?

"Do not speak about her like that" Connor said in a low and threatening voice. "Oh please, that mutt's name isn't worth coming out of my pretty mouth." Connor laughed sarcastically "You don't have a single thing worthy about you. Ask anyone you'd spread your legs to, then again, that would take thousands of decades." My jaw dropped. Layla is a vampire too?! Who else is?!

Layla didn't get in another word, because Connor spoke again "Come into my property again, and I guarantee you won't be coming out." He said and even I got scared at the venom behind his words. "Fine. Enjoy the time you have left with it because Alex will make me his Luna and when he does, you and that pest are dead. Just a little warning" She said, her voice full of awe but at the same time threatening as well.

Any hope I had of Alex went straight out the window. He was going to claim Layla? Does he even know she's a vampire? So many questions and so little answers.

I jumped at a sudden loud crash and then silence. I waited for any other sound but nothing came. "Jade I'm gonna open the door, do you mind stepping back a little bit?" Connor asked politely and my face went red. I slowly got up and almost ran to the bed in embarrassment. After a couple seconds of silence, I asked "what was all that?" he sighed and ran his fingers through his soft looking locks. "That was Layla." I knew that already but didn't say anything. "What you heard, which I know you did, was what she plans to do with your mate. She's convinced herself that he will claim her. She wants power and with the title as Luna, it's exactly what she'll get. . . and with that power, she'll destroy every vampire she can get her hands on. So it's only her and Alex."

That I didn't know.

"And that won't happen. . . because you will be claimed." he said the last part slowly. My heart ached but at the same time fluttered. I mentally shook those strange feelings away and looked him dead in his beautiful eyes
"Please take me back home" I said with what I wished was confidence. When really, I was scared shitless.

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