Chapter Eleven

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Here it is! I'm not completely happy with this chapter, but I don't know why. Please vote and comment. I'd love some constructive criticism :-D

Chapter Eleven


(Eli's POV)

I think we make it to St. Peters in record time. Ash holds open the doors for me as I carry Dani into the hospital. A nurse spots us straight away and heads toward us in what I can only explain as a walk run. I got sidetracked as I thought, 'It's not really a walk or a jog. What would you even call that?' I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Ash hisses, “Eli! Get it together.”


The nurse looks at us sympathetically and asks, “What happened, sir?”

“She had a panic attack and passed out, but we couldn't get her to come around. We tried salts, but it didn't work.”

“Ok, let's put her on a bed and I'll have someone page a doctor. How long has she been like this?”

“About a half hour.”

“Ok. Just rest her here. I'll need you to come with me and fill out some forms.”

Ash shot me a sympathetic look, as he said, “I'll wait with Danica.”

I nod grimly, not wanting to leave her, but knowing Ash would never be able to answer any of the questions. The nurse handed me a clipboard and said, “The doctor is on his way down. If you could just fill out these forms it will help us to rule things out. Is there any chance she's pregnant?”

My eyes widen at the thought. I have no idea. Could that be why she doesn't want anyone near her? The nurse touches my hand and prompts, “Sir?”

“Sorry. Er, I don't know. I don't think so, but I don't know. I haven't known her that long. Only about 8 months. She hasn't put on any weight since I've known her. In fact, she's lost a lot of weight in the last few weeks.”

“Ok. Sorry, I had to ask. We'll run some tests and find what's going on. I should probably ask, is she a cop? I can see that you and your friend are in uniform, so...?”

“Oh, no ma'am. She's part of our technical team.”

“Thank you. I'll give this information to the doctor and I'll send your friend out. There's a waiting room just through there. I'll bring you some information as soon as I have something.”

I have to tell her; I can't not tell her. I hesitate and then say, “Ma'am? She doesn't like people near her. If or when she wakes up, she'll panic. I can calm her down, but I just thought you should be aware.”

“Thank you. I'll pass that on to the doctor.”

I nod and look at the form. I actually have no idea about most of these questions. I don't know her blood type, if any health problems run in her family, if she's allergic to anything, or even if she has insurance. I just answer what I can and put my details down for when they need to take payment.

As I hand the form back to the main desk, Ash appears at my side. “They're running tests or whatever now.”

I just nod, not really knowing what to say.

“Eli, we need to call the Captain.”

“Not yet.”

“She won't be in tomorrow, he has to know what is going on.”

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