Chapter Sixty-Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two


It's been a few weeks since Greggson brought Babkin in, but there's been nothing. I haven't heard from Greggson and Arrow hasn't mentioned anything particularly out of the ordinary. We're at Christmas Eve and Dani and I are at my parents' house for dinner. Dani doesn't want to join us for dinner tomorrow, so we made a compromise. She's been a lot more open with me, talking about some of her nightmares. I've been sleeping on the bed as well, which seems to help her. Some of the atrocious things she's had to endure would make you sick. I thought I'd seen everything, but Dani's abuse has proven me wrong. There are some seriously sick people out there. They even branded her with their initials using blades. How awful is that?

I haven't had a chance to ask her if she'd be ok with Ash training her. She's been doing so well, and I haven't wanted to upset the calm. I want to get through Christmas first. I'm sure this is a tough time for her, especially seeing as her parents aren't around to share the season. My pops breaks my thoughts, “Are you guys working tomorrow, Eli?”

“Yes sir. Just the day though. Bravo team has the night shift. We're on 7am til 8pm though. Are Ash and Momma K joining us tomorrow?”

“Yes. Tyler's bringing his girlfriend and Maria, John and Fiona will be here as well.”

My mom asks, “Are you sure you don't want to join us, Dani?”

“No thank you, ma'am. I don't want to intrude.”

“Not at all. You're part of the family now, there's no intrusion.”

Dani smiles a little, that gesture seems to be getting a bit easier. “Thank you, but I'm really ok with staying at home. I promise.”

She doesn't want to say she'd rather not be here.

My mom smiles and nods before saying, “Well, Don and I got you something. I'll give it to you now.”

My mom disappears into the kitchen and I see the panicked look on Dani's face. I mutter in Russian, “Relax. Take the gift. There's no hidden agenda.”

Dani's eyes widen and she breathes out, “You speak Russian?!”

I chuckle, “A little. It's taken me a year to do. It's a hard language.”

“You speak Russian!”

Her little outburst causes me to laugh and her to cover her mouth in embarrassment.

“Yes, I'm not very good though.”

“I can't believe it. Do you understand me when I'm muttering?”

“Sometimes. When you don't go too fast or use slang.”

“Wow, just wow.”

I chuckle again, but our conversation is stopped by my mom appearing at the table. She puts a small package on the table and slides it towards Dani slowly. She learned the hard way about Dani's panic attacks.

Dani just stares at it in awe and disbelief, so my dad says, “You're allowed to open it, Dani.”

“Oh, yes. Sorry.”

Dani carefully unwraps the paper and just stares at the little box in front of her. I don't actually know what they got Dani. My mom wouldn't say, so when I see what it is, I'm just as shocked as Dani. I see a tear fall as she holds the box close to her. She doesn't know what to say or do. My mom has tears in her eyes as well, as she says, “I thought you'd want to remember your mother, but I'm sure you have no belongings from back then. It wasn't an easy task, but I managed to find most of her dance recitals from New York and a few from back home in Russia. I had them put on to DVD, so I don't know how good the quality is...”

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