Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four

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Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four

Eli's P.O.V.

Dude, a cold shower is really needed at this moment. I'm not going to lie and say that that kiss did nothing for me. I wanted to run away because I was so scared Dani would notice just how much it did effect me. How the heck am I going to be able to control myself now? The fact that she's allowing me to push the boundaries a little just makes this feeling even stronger. I'm going to have a serious case of pent up frustration. I'm going to need some serious distractions because I can't even train or shoot things. This is going to be a long old recovery and Dani might just blow my mind.

I groan as my mind automatically thinks of some crude comment Ash and Arrow would say right about now. This is going to take more control than any other situation I've ever been in. Still, I have to give it my best shot because if I lose control then I risk losing Dani. That's something I'm not prepared to do, so I have to suck it up and deal with it.

My parents are the first to arrive, followed closely by Maria, John and Fiona. Maria gushes about how beautiful the house is and Fi eyes the pool with excitement. Ty, in predicable fashion, is late. When I open the door for him, he says, "I found two strays standing around out here. They say they know you, but I'm not convinced. Are you guys up for feeding a couple homeless guys?"

I chuckle at Ty, Ash and Arrow before opening the door to allow them in. I quickly find Dani to warn her Arrow and Ash are here too. My body reacts differently when I place my hand on her shoulder. It's something I've become so accustomed to, but a jolt of electricity floods through me and reaches places that really shouldn't be awake right now. Especially not with my family here.

My three brothers must notice my discomfort because they all cackle loudly at my expense. Dani looks confused as she looks between the group of guys and myself.

There's no way I'm explaining just what's going on, so I simply say, "They're just ragging on me. Ignore them. You doing ok?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

I bit back a groan and think, 'If you only knew, sweetheart.'

Obviously, I can't say that, so instead I shoot her a smile and say, "Yeah. A little sore, but nothing I can't handle."

"You can go and sit down. I've got the dinner covered."


She nods and gets back to cooking the Kotlety so I join everyone else in the living room. Aside from my random moments of discomfort, we have a pretty good evening and Dani seems relatively relaxed with everyone in our house. As I'm seeing everyone out, Ash says, "I'll swing by in the morning to take Dani to work."

"I'm going in tomorrow. I want to see the Cap and find out what's going on."

"You're not driving, right?"

"Not tomorrow. Doc says I can't drive for a few weeks, but I should be ok by Monday. Obviously, I won't be out in the field, but I can do stuff at the precinct."

"The Cap won't be thrilled with that prospect, but I'll pick you guys up in the morning."

I nod in appreciation and we say our goodbyes. After Dani has done all of the clearing up, I notice the five cakes sitting on the side.

I question, "Five?"

She knows exactly what I'm talking about because I see a tinge of pink flush her cheeks. She answers, "Seven if you include the two everyone ate tonight."

"Geez, baby, you could have talked me through what's on your mind, you know?"

She shrugs, "I needed to process. You're going to have to eat a lot of cake over the next week though. Sorry."

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