Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

Dani's P.O.V.

Six Months Later

The last year of planning has culminated in this day. This is it. This is what Eli and I have been waiting for. I think I've been excited, but now that the day has arrived I'm so unbelievably nervous. I'm sitting in the kitchen at Don and Connie's house with Beth, Maria and Connie. Eli, his dad, Ash and Arrow are at our house. Apparently, Eli isn't allowed to see me until the actual ceremony. This is the wedding day and I don't know if I'll be able to calm myself down before going through with this.

Maria has twisted my hair and pinned it all up with purple and white flowers tucked into it. Even I have to admit it looks pretty great. Connie places a plate of food in front of me and I eye it cautiously.

She smiles at me, "You need to eat, Dani."

"I don't think I could keep it down. My stomach is in knots."

"I know. Trust me, I know. But you need to try and eat something. You won't get another chance until later, so you need to make the most of the opportunity now. I know you're nervous, but you can do this. I promise you it will all be fine. In fact, it's going to be perfect. Now, eat as much as you can and then we can think about starting to get ready. There is a present for Scar. It's from Ash. Let me get that for you while you eat."

She's obviously not letting the whole breakfast thing go. I've learned a lot about Eli's family in the time I've known them. They are a very loving family. I've learned to love them like my own family. Tyler and I have managed to move on from our awful first meeting and we've actually been able to have quite good conversations since.

Connie is a feeder though. She thinks food solves most problems. Well, maybe not solves the problems, but she always tells us you can't think properly or fix anything on an empty stomach.

As I place a piece of fruit in my mouth, Connie appears with a little box in her hand.

"For Scar, from Ash."

Beth and Maria stop their conversation, eager to see what's in the box, so I quickly open it. I'm curious myself, to be honest.

I let out a soft chuckle when I see what it is and I say, "That is so Ash."

All three ladies glance at me inquisitively, so I don't delay any longer. I hold up a dog collar that has a SWAT dress shirt bib attached to it. Everyone laughs and coos at how cute Scar will look.

I chuckle, "He's not supposed to look cute. He's a police dog. I don't think cute is part of the dress code."

They all snort in laughter and Beth says, "I think he's allowed to look cute for one day. This is a very special day after all."

For a brief moment I had forgotten my nervousness and just lost myself in Ash's sense of humor. Beth's comment brings me back to reality. I don't blame her or anything; I know she's excited and I know that they don't know how nervous I really am. I don't expect them to know that. I want them to have a nice day as well. I want it to go as smoothly and as normally as possible. I have to try very hard to keep my thoughts and emotions in check today. I do not want to have a melt down. Those moments have been less and less over the last year and I'm definitely finding it easier to bring myself back without Eli being there. Sam has done an amazing job with my recovery. She tells me I've done most of the work, but it's been her ideas and her support that have helped me. I would never have been able to do it without Eli, however, I don't think I would have been able to do it without Sam either.

The ceremony is supposed to start at noon, so Connie feeds me some more breakfast before she instructs, "You'll need to go and get ready soon. Maria will help you with your make-up and Beth and myself will help you with your dress if you need us to."

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