Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Alright boys, this is a new season, a fresh start, and another chance to CRUSH THE PENGUINS!" my dad bursted with enthusiasm as he looked out at the team. The other coaches lined the walls looking official with their hands behind their backs. The team sat in the middle of the horseshoe hanging on to every word my dad spoke. This was the routine. Before every first practice of the season, each coach gave a little pep talk. This year, it was my turn to join the traditions.

I played hockey in college while studying sports management. It was hard balancing school, practice, and the Flyers but somehow I made it work. When I graduated college, the flyers franchise offered me an assistant coaching position which I accepted immediately. Some people think I only got my job because of my dad, but I honestly know my stuff and I was going to prove all of them wrong.

Giroux stood up and started a 'Penguins Suck' chant that lasted a few minutes. All the guys, even the coaches joined in.

I couldn't help but laugh at the foolishness in front of me. I hated the Penguins just as much as my dad did. The team thought it was because we shared a state, that's part of it. It's better that they think that's the reason instead of knowing the truth. It saves everyone a lot of trouble.

The REAL reason my dad and I hate them is because of their ass hole of a coach who can't keep it in his pants and his whore of a wife.

Dan Bylsma used to play hockey with my dad. They started playing hockey with each other ever since they were old enough to skate up until they both retired at ripe old age of 34.

Dan was my funny godfather who always gave the best gifts. It didn't have to be a special occasion for him to stop by and give me a gigantic present that could put an equally gigantic smile on my face.

Dad started coaching before Dan did, so Uncle Dan and my mom would take me to the games so I could see my daddy at work. I had the best times on 'take your child to work day'. I was allowed to ride the zamboneys until they ran out of gas. Talk about a hot ride!

Everything changed 16 years ago.

You see, it's very simple.

The douche bag had an affair with my slut of a mother for four years. It took four years for my dad to catch them. He technically never caught them, my step father "forgot" a condom one time they wanted to fuck and knocked my mother up.

She tried to convince my father it was his, but my dad has two parts to his brain: hockey and math. So he did the math of when the baby was conceived and the last time he and my mom bumped uglies, and was shocked to find out the numbers didn't match up.

Again, my mom tried to play my dad and tell him it was a one time, drunken mistake, but Dan decided to be decent for once in his life and told my dad the true length of the affair. Needless to say there was a divorce, a wedding, and a baby shower in one year.

I'll never forget the day my world changed. Now since I'm a daddies girl, when I saw my father hurt, I asked him why he was sad. I curled up in his lap and gave him the biggest hug my little arms could handle. Give me credit I was seven. Dad looked down at me with tears threatening to spill over his eye lids and told me, mommy didn't want to be with daddy anymore. He sat there and cried, holding me so tightly as if he thought I'd drift away. My dad was a wreck after that. He didn't go out, he wore the same flyers PJ's for weeks, and he ordered take-out every night. I thought he'd never snap out of it. But one morning like magic, my dad was out of his pj's making me breakfast as if the last couple months hadn't happened at all.

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