Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I will only upload of I get 7 votes on this chapter so if you like it, tell your friends.


I tried to control my temper for the rest of the week at practice, but that's easier said then done. Sure, I threw a few hip checks, and legally tripped guys that pissed me off, but Coach and Angelica noticed. They didn't seem too happy about it.

It didn't help that Angelica came to practice everyday looking like a whole damn meal in black leggings and a large T-shirt. She was different from the girls I usually found attractive. I normally went after the girls who did yoga six days a week and a juice cleanse once a month. But seeing Angelica on skates with a stick in her hands did something strange to my body. Every time she would skate across the ice she looked so elegant, but also dangerous. She would dance around the other players, tangling them up as she effortlessly stole the puck. I hate to admit this, but she definitely got the better of me once or twice this week.

We were running a passing drill, I was on the left wing while Angelica was supposed to stop me from passing. I tried to fake her out, make her believe I was going to go left to get around her when I wanted to go right. She didn't fall for my trick. She seamlessly robbed me of the puck and began skating in the opposite direction. I turned around to see if that actually just happened.

"Close your mouth, McLaferty. This can't be the first time a girl has gotten the better of you," Angelica teased. Laughter spread around the rink while my cheeks started to feel warm.

All week I've been thinking about ways to get Angelica to agree to a date. I just wanted to prove that I could get her to say yes.  Nothing seemed to work. I would ask her every day after practice and she would always turn me down. Then I had a crazy thought. What if I changed my "playboy ways"? I desperately went over every thing she said she didn't like about me and began figuring out a way to change them. This change would only be temporary of course. Just long enough so Angelica could notice the change, agree to date me, give her a good fuck and then go back to my ways. We would still date cause the sex would be amazing! I know, I sound like a complete dick. But I had my reasons for not being a relationship kind of guy.

Maybe I could talk to Angelica after practice, convince her to at least give me a chance to show her the guy I would be. Damn, I liked it so much better when women chased after me instead of the other way around.

"Mclaferty," Coach called as I headed into the locker room. Ah fuck, I'm in trouble again. Twice in one week Trey, not a good way to start with a new team. I turned around to face him making sure to not break eye contact.

"Yes coach?" I asked.

"Meet me in my office when you're done," he demanded. He turned around talking to Angelica not caring if I answered, but I did anyway.

"Yes Coach," I sulked into the locker room. I made damn sure to take my sweet time as I got changed, prolonging the confrontation with Coach.

Luckily, Giroux walked up to me giving me a legitimate excuse to take a long time.

"Listen man," he started. "Simonds didn't mean what he said a few days ago. We do that to all the new players. It's sort of a 'Welcome to the Team' thing," he brightly smiled before continuing. "I remember mine, the guy ended up braking my nose. We've been best friends ever since," chuckling like it was an inside joke between the two of them.

I suddenly felt lonely. This team really wasn't just a team, it was a family. I never had a "best friend" on a team I played for. Don't get me wrong, there were guys I hung out with off the ice but we weren't really friends.

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