Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

This is a new edited chapter. 2.9.19.

Let me know if you guys like these updates chapters, cause if you're not I will just keep adding chapters. But I honestly think these chapters are so much better.

chocolate makes the world go around

Anyway on with the story!!!!


For the first practice of the season, it actually went surprisingly well. The new guys seemed to fit in pretty well with the rest of the team. Dad immediately started with passing drills. The rules were one of our veterans had to pair with one of our new players. Trey ended up getting paired with Claude Giroux. I hated to admit this, but the pair worked really well together. They seemed to know exactly where the other was going to put the puck. Dad always looked for chemistry between players, these two definitely could have something special on the ice. Dad ran drills for a few more hours before it was time for laps, something everyone hated.

"Let's go guys! Hustle, I'm going faster than you! I'm getting lonely up there," I yelled running around the boys.

There was a track by the practice rink, dad always ended practice this way, 15 laps around the track. If the players were going too slow, he'd add on five more laps. Dad thought the most important thing to do during practices was run to build up the players stamina. The guys were no good to us tired, he'd say.

"We just wanna see you run in front of us A," Simmonds called. "We just wanna get a good look at your ass," he teased earning him a few slaps to the back of the head. If my father wasn't around, they'd all agree and they knew it.

"HURRY UP LADIES OR COACH WILL ADD FIVE MORE LAPS!" the forward coach bellowed. A few of the players groaned, but hey, go big or go home. My dad was deep in conversation with the defenseman coach, too enthralled in the discussion to hear any of the remarks the boys had made.

They can never be too careful.

My dad must have sensed my eyes on him because his locked in on mine. He gave me the nod telling me we would talk after practice and put my player whispering skills to good use.

"Everyone head to the locker room,  we're done for the day. Tomorrow, practice starts at 8am. Anyone who is not on the ice at that time will be benched our first preseason game," dad threatened. He seemed mean now, but he just wanted to start the the season off right. He always calmed down after the fifth game, depending on our record.

I started to head back into the rink, I desperately wanted a hot shower and a nap. I mentally kicked myself for not keeping up my workouts this summer, it would have made today so much easier.

Trey made his way up to me and jogged along side of me, looking at me with lust filled eyes. I thought a hole would burn on the side of my face. I don't understand why he was looking at me like that. My hair was in a high ponytail with tons of frizz, sweat was dripping down my face leaving sweat marks on my large t-shirt. I tried to out run him, but I had a feeling Trey would just catch up.

"I'm liking the view Angel. Think I can get a private tour to see the sights?" Trey attempted to flirt, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Face forward McLaferty, you'll trip and fall. And if the ground doesn't hurt you, I will. Especially if  you keep calling me Angel," I said sternly.

"Aw you don't want me to get hurt," he cooed. "How sweet!" A sly smile played at his lips. "You care about me, don't ya?"

"No I care about my team," I stopped him from running any further allowing the guys to get a head so they won't be able to hear us."You've been on three different teams since you started in the NHL. If you keep acting like this, Philadelphia will just be another stepping stone. Most players dream all there lives of joining this team, are you seriously going to waste your chance?" He stood there staring at me. His mouth was slightly open as he struggled to find a response.

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