Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A hat trick is when a player scores 3 or more times a game. 

This chapter is HEAVILY RE-WRITTEN. As always let me know what y'all think.

When the alcohol left my body and my brain started to work again, I realized what I agreed to the night before. When I've been drinking, I love to believe that I'm not as tipsy as I really am. When I'm living in the alcohol haze, I feel accomplished when I think I seem less inebriated than I am. Don't ask me why, alcohol makes people do and say stupid things. Which is why I felt like an idiot the next morning. There was a reason for my dad's rule! Hell, I asked for the damn rule to keep me from making another life changing mistake. Yet here I am, again, repeating history!

I had tossed and turned every night since the party, trying to figure out a way to make sure Trey didn't get a hat trick. While I have started to warm up to Trey over the preseason, that doesn't change the fact that he is an arrogant playboy. But some how, my hard exterior has begun to soften when it comes to him. I could actually tell he was working hard which made him a little attractive to me. I like a hard-working man, sue me.

Which is why this date couldn't happen! Who knows what would happen, god forbid I actually FALL for him! Oh my god my father would kill me.

He's already made improvements, whether it's because he wants to for himself, or because he things if he improves I'll go out with him; either way I wasn't about to let him back slide.

Finally, I resorted to enlisting the guys services to help. Which means I had to tell them what I'd done.

"WHAT DO MEAN IF HE GETS A HAT TRICK TONIGHT YOU HAVE TO GO OUT ON A DATE WITH HIM?" I shrunk back into my fluffy pillows as Simmonds exploded with anger. He's normally the quiet one, but when it comes to protecting me when he feels there's a don't want to be caught in the line of fire.

"You guys know me!" I threw up my hands in frustration. "Once I am challenged, I can't back down." I defended. I saw Couturier, Giroux, and Provorov nod in agreement.  

They had experience with betting against me. Let's just say, one camera+one very shocked and nude Sydney Crosby=Best blackmail ever!

Now, normally I don't have a little pow wow in my room before the games. The guys always came over before home games to talk strategy with my dad but this time dad wasn't there to keep them entertained.

So it was my job.

I came up with my plan early this morning. All the guys had to do was pass to Trey only when they felt he had a minimal chance of scoring. I thought it was simple enough for their jock brains to comprehend, I hoped I was right.

"Where would he have gotten that idea?" Provorov huffed scratching his head.

I looked around my room, hoping to get some help only to see mouths catching flys and wide eyes staring back at me. Couturier was sitting on my floor after he fell out of my desk chair when he heard the news. Giroux was leaning stiffly against my wall, fidgeting, looking any where but me. While a very pissed off Simmonds stood at the foot of my bed with hands on his hips.   

I focused on Giroux's behavior. He started to play with his hands and bit his lip. He only bit his lip when he's nervous or upset.

"Claude, what's up? You ok?" I asked concerned.

He looked at me then around the room at his teammates still chewing on his lip.

"I sorta.....kinda.....slight possibility..... I may.....have given him the idea?" he confessed even though it came out as a question.

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