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RK Mansion

RK storms in through the front door, anger radiating in his each step. He is about to take the stairs but stops in his track by a soft, sweet voice. He turns around to see his half-sister of only 19 years calling him. She's very pretty, a female version of RK, and she adores her older brother. But her temperament is that of her mother, very sweet.

Reena: Bhaiya!

RK (snaps): What do you want?!?

Reena gets a little scared but recovers her composure. She runs up to RK and wants to hug him but is leery of his mood and didn't want to feel rejected.

Reena (bright smile): Bhaiya...you're going to be a mamu and I am going to a mom! I am so excited! Shaan and I are going to be parents.

RK (sarcastic): That's great...one more Sharma I have to put up with and feed.

Reena's smile dims a little upon hearing her beloved brother's response to her wonderful news. She adores her older brother but to him, she has always been just a Sharma, not his sister.

RK storms up the stairs. He doesn't have time for nonsense. Especially any nonsense that involves a Sharma. Reena may be his mother's daughter, but she is NOT his sister!

Don't know what she is all excited about having a baby with a loser. She met Shaan on one of his movies sets 6 years ago, but started dating 2 years ago. He's an unsuccessful, D rated movie actor. Only good for cameo roles.

He's a drunkard and a womanizer but his blind half-sister only sees the good in him. I have seen him use his slimy charm against countless of women in the 10 plus years he has been in the film industry. If Reena wanted to marry a guy like that, who the hell am I to object? The elder Sharma begged me to talk her out of marrying this loser. But I didn't care. In retrospect, I probably should have objected since the slime ball moved into my damn house! For some reason that silly girl listens to what I say. She thinks I am her brother. But she is NOT my sister. She is a Sharma.

Next Day

Khushi canceled all of her afternoon appointments and picked up Tara from school. She surprised her baby by taking her to the theater. What did they watch? A Ranbir Kapoor movie of course! Tara's face shone with excitement as she watched her favorite movie star put on a brilliant performance. The little girl already has her wedding planned. She is so going to marry her prince charming, her RK, her Ranbir Kapoor!

After the movie finishes, they walk out of the theater.

Khushi: Did you enjoy the movie baby?

Tara (bubbling over with excitement): Yes mama. Thank you! My RK is the best...(dreamily) I am so marrying him!

Khushi (laughs and teases): Ok baby...when you are all grown, I am sure your RK will beg you to marry him.

Tara (pouts): Mama...I am already a big girl.

Khushi: Yes baby...you're a big girl. But you need to grow bigger before you can get married.

Tara (closes her eyes, folds her hands and makes a wish): Devi Maiyya please let me grow quick so I can marry my RK! Ok??

Khushi smiles at her baby's innocence. Ahh...to have such innocent dreams!

Tara (after finishing her prayer): Mama may we please eat some ice cream? Pretty pretty please!

Khushi (smiles): Of course! My baby is a good, big girl, she deserves a treat.

Tara jumps up and down with excitement. They walk to the ice cream parlor down the street. As they are walking, Khushi can't help but get a strange, eerie feeling. She turns around and sees a strange man in a jeans, sneakers, hoodie sweatshirt and sunglasses on walking not too far behind them. He stops and pretends to tie his shoe lace. Khushi becomes very apprehensive. She clutches Tara's hands and starts walking faster. With her free hand, she takes out her compact mirror from her purse and keeps track of his movements. She is absolutely certain now that the man in the hoodie is following them.

Khushi picks Tara up in her arms and practically runs till they reach their destination. She sighs in relief once they are safely inside. It's a crowded place, so they should be safe in here. Khushi wonders why they are being followed. Is it an enemy of a client? What could they possibly want with her? She must find out! Can't have any threat to her daughter's safety!

Outside the Parlor

Stalker (speaking into his hidden blue tooth): Sparrow has left theater and now is at an ice cream shop. Accompanied by little Sparrow.

Unknown caller: Little Sparrow?

Stalker: Spitting image of the big Sparrow. I think I've been compromised. She practically ran when she turned around and saw me.

Unknown caller: Damn it! You're supposed to be conspicuous! Do you not know how to do your damned job?!? Keep a safe distance. Don't make any mistakes! (Cuts the call)

He leaves the premises and does as his boss ordered. Keep an eye on the woman and child, while lurking in the dark.

After finishing their ice cream, Khushi looks outside to make sure it's safe for them to venture out. On careful inspection, she does not see the mysterious man in a hoodie. She sighs in relief and grabs Tara's hand and leave the parlor.

Khushi: Come on sweetie. It's getting late, we should go home now.

Tara (a little sad): Ok mama. Cuz I have to go to school tomorrow?

Khushi: Yes baby. That's what big girls do...they go to school, learn and be smart.

Tara (nods her head in agreement): Yes mama. I am big girl now. I will go to school and learn. Want to be just like you and Mima. Smart.

Khushi (smiles): Thank you my smart baby!

Khushi and Tara keep walking and talks animatedly with each other. When she notices a lady coming out of a stretched limo parked ahead. With piqued curiosity she sees the lady in an evening, black gown being escorted into the fancy French restaurant. Upon further inspection, Khushi notices that the lady has a slight limp and favors her right leg.

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