
2.9K 121 17

Next Day -- Afternoon

BOOM!  Loud claps of thunder and flashes of lightning terrify the masses as vengeful, dark clouds pour wrath on mankind.  Most seeked shelter from the torrential downpour, some even chosing to drive, albeit, slow and carefully.  But RK and Arnav are not most people.  Despite the low visibility, they accelerate through the nearly empty streets of the normally busy city to reach their desired destination.  They have only one thing on their mind, their baby girl Tara.  Coming from opposite directions, RK and Arnav both arrive in front of Trishna's House of Hope.

They barely acknowledge each other as they dash through the front door.   No time for niceties when they have an emergency at hand.  Drenched in rainwater, RK and Arnav madly run into Padminiji's little office in the back. 

Awaiting them is their sad little girl, refusing to heed her Nan's plea to eat lunch.  Upon noticing Arnav and RK's arrival, Padminiji stands up and faces the boys.

Padminiji (relieved):  Ohh good that you two are here.  She has been sad ever since I picked her up from school and refuses to eat lunch.  I have to check on one of the girls (pointing at the food on the table), get her to eat please!

They nod their heads in acquiescene as she leaves the room.

The boys kneel down in front of Tara, ready to ask for forgiveness for whatever transgression they unknowingly committed.

RK (to Tara):  Hi my little star.  Why are you upset sweetie?  You know it broke my heart reading your text, you thinking I don't love you.  Your Superstar loves you a lot kiddo.

Arnav (holding Tara's hands):  Look at me baby.  (Waits till she meets his eyes) You're my baby girl and I love you a lot.  More than you'll ever know.  Talk to us sweetie...why are you upset?

Tara (sniffles and speaks in a low voice): don't love me.  (To RK) If you loved me, you would have kept your promise.  Tara not important to Superstar and daddy.

RK (wipes away her tears):  I am sorry baby...ok...tell us what you want and we will make it happen.  Pakka wala promise!  (Holds his ears) Give your Superstar one last chance?

Arnav (pinches her cheeks):  I'll do anything to see my baby girl smile.  (Pointing at his mouth and simulating a smile) Just like this...I want to see a sweet, big smile on your face.

Tara (inquires):  Anything?

RK and Arnav (together):  Anything!

Tara (bursts into tears):  I want my RK!  Layla saw my RK but Tara still waiting.  (Sniffles loudly) She got his picture and he wrote his name on it...and (sobs) it said with love.  I want to see Ranbir Kapoor now Superstar now...please...pretty pretty please!

Arnav (wipes Tara's tears again and speaks to RK):  RK...start dialing whoever you need to and make arrangements.  My baby girl wants to meet Ranbir Kapoor, well she's going to meet him!

RK immediately stands up, takes his phone out of his wet jacket and steps out to make the phone call.  What Superstar RK wants, he will get.  Ranbir Kapoor better agree to this meeting!

Arnav (pulls Tara into his arms for a hug):  No need to be upset and cry baby.  You will see your RK...even if your daddy has to tie him up and bring him to you!

Tara (giggles and pulls away):  Your wet daddy!  And my RK would want to see me...I am his princess.

Arnav:  Yes you are a princess sweetie.

RK returns back with a satisfied smile plastered on his face.  He picks Tara up in his arms and slobbers her with wet kisses as she shrieks with laughter. 

RK (puts her back down on her feet): little star, how would you like to meet your Ranbir Kapoor today?

Tara (jumps up and down and squeals with delight):  Yes...pretty pretty please!  (Dreamily) I am going to meet my RK.  (Hugs RK's legs)'re a good boy.  I love you!

RK:  I love you too sweetie.

Arnav (pouts):  What about me?

Tara (giggles):'re a good boy too.  (Looks down at her dress, worried) this a pretty dress?  Do I look pretty daddy?

Arnav:  Pretty?  Baby girl you are the most beautiful little girl ever!

She gifts Arnav with her sweet, precious smile.  He'll do anything to make sure that smile never goes away.

RK (looking at the time):  Ok...enough dilly dallying.  (Grabs Tara's hands) We have Ranbir Kapoor to meet.

Tara:  Yay!!!

Padminiji walks in just in time as Tara hoots with excitement.  The boys explain to her that they are taking Tara to meet Ranbir Kapoor.  Since the rain has let up, she sends the trio off.

Twenty plus mintues later, they arrive at Big ND Studio.  Ranbir is currently filming for the remake of Mr. India.  It's ironic.  The studio first offered RK the role of Mr. India but he turned it down.  He didn't want any painful reminders of Madhu.  With a sardonic smile, he now wishes that he had agreed to the role.  Mr. India always brought them closer.

Ranbir Kapoor is preparing for his next shot when Tara sees him and shrieks with delight.  Putting a halt to shot, he approaches the trio.  RK signals to Ranbir with his eyes and points down to Tara.

Ranbir slightly nods his head in acknowledgement and bends down in front of Tara.  He picks her hands up and gallantly kisses them, as Tara blushed with pleasure.

Ranbir:  You my beautiful princess must be Tara?

Tara (surprised):  How do you know my name?  (Suspiciously) Did Superstar tell you?

Ranbir:  I know about all my special fans.

Tara (nods her head):  Yes...but I am extra special.

Ranbir:  Yes're extra special.

Arnav (whispsers to RK): I hope he's not getting any ideas.  Because when she's grown and obviously beautiful, he's staying 10 feet away.

RK (whispers back):  He will back off.  I'll make sure of it.

Tara:  I am a little now.  You must wait for me to grow up and be a big girl.  Ok?

RK and Arnav (both mutters):  Great...the proposal.

Ranbir (bows flourishly):  I shall wait for you my fair princess.

Tara (giggles):  Ok mister...till then you better behave for Tara.  Ok?  (Curiously looks around and whispers) Are you about to film?  Tara sorry...I will be very very quiet.

Ranbir (laughs):  I'll give the shot when I am ready.  Do you want to guess what movie we are filming?

Tara (shrugs):  I don't know... Tell me please!  Pretty pretty please!

Ranbir:  Mr. India.

Tara (claps her hands in delight):  I love Mr. India.  You're my Mr. India.  I gots to tell mima.  Mima is my Superstar's Mr. India. 

RK (surprised):  Baby girl she told you?

Tara (giggles):  No.  Tara smart girl.  Tara guessed.  She said Mr. India reminds her of someone important she used to know.  After Tara, you are most important to mima.  Tara smart girl...right Superstar?

RK (thinking hard, replies noncommittally):  Yes baby girl.

Tara:  Oh no...Superstar.  Big mistake!  Mima loves Mr. India...she'll be upset we didn't bring her.  Superstar, you gots to bring mima here ok?  Or she'll be upset.  Tara does not want mima to be upset.

RK stares at Tara and wants to hug her for her clever yet innocent mind.  He smiles to himself.  Yes he will definitely follow his little star's advice.  Mr. India brought them close once and it will bring them closer again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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