Seeking Information

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Akanksha Women's Hospital - Night Time

A young doctor just got off from his long shift at the hospital and all he wants to do is go home and SLEEP! It was a particularly hectic day at the hospital; 100 plus screaming pregnant women going into labor and giving birth. And as a resident, he had to bear the brunt of it all: from screaming patients, demanding attendants, impatient family members and crying infants. He walks out into the dark. As he leaves the hospital grounds, someone grabs his mouth to stifle his scream. He is dragged behind the bush, struggling to be free. A scuffle ensues, and then it's all silent.

A few minutes later, a man steps out of the bush in the doctor's uniform and badge. He stealthily walks back to the hospital and enters the nearly empty main lobby. He walks through a series of halls, using the confiscated badge to gain access. Once he has reached his destination, he looks left and right to make sure no one is looking. Swiping the badge, he enters the recordkeeping room. The computer is password protected.

Night Creeper (whispers into his earpiece): Password?

After few minutes of he gets the password and keys it in. Come on...come on...come on...take...take... and voila! The computer took the password!

He searches through the database and pulls up the birth records. Types in date range from October 2008 to January 2009 and hits search. Thousands of records pop up. He quickly scrolls through the name of child and mother. All the while also keeping an eye on the door, to make sure he is not going to get caught. Almost 10 minutes into the search, he's still looking. But his eyes catch onto the desired name. He did not think he would find it so easily. To say he is shocked and surprised is a huge understatement.

Tara Ayana Raizada. Born on 10/10/2008.

Mother: Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada

Next Day Afternoon

It's a sad day for the Malik family. Today marks the 3rd death anniversary of their beloved daughter/sister, Trishna. Madhu stands right outside the women's shelter: Trishna's House of Hope. The Malik family started this organization to help victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Madhu looks up at the sign with tears in her eyes. She still recalls that horrific night, clear as day.

It was well past midnight, and Trishna still hasn't come back home from her audition. Extremely worried, Malik and few other men from the Chawl went out to search for Trishna. Madhu and Khushi went to the police station to file missing person's report. But they were not willing to help till the person was missing for 24 hours. Frustrated, they returned back to the Chawl, praying that their sister will come back to them. Sadly that was not to be. Few hours later, their world came crashing down. Trishna was found a mile away from the studio she went to for audition. Her body was barely recognizable, so badly was she beaten. The foul animals shred her of her dignity, her clothes and left her to rot on the street. Based on autopsy, she was raped and beaten to death. Unfortunately, the culprits were never found. Incompetent police! Madhu still believes they didn't even try to find the monsters. The idiots closed Trishna's case. One day...she will get the case to reopen and those bastards will be found. Trishna will get her justice!

No girl, woman should suffer the way Trishna did! How could a man, born of a woman, do that to another? In honor of Trishna, they set up the half-way home for girls and women. To provide shelter to abused women, help them get back on their own feet, provide financial and legal advice and self-defense lessons. Women should fight if they are attacked! Fight the cowards with every shred of their being! Padminiji finds solace in working with these women. During the day, when Tara is in school, she overlooks the running of the shelter. She wants NONE of these women to become a statistics like her daughter. In their free time, Khushi and Madhu spend time at the shelter offering their legal expertise. Especially, to the women who are seeking divorce from their abusive spouses.


After a few hours at the House of Hope, Madhu exits the building. As she is coming down the steps, she sees a man, on the opposite side of the street. Lurking in the dark, shrouded in all black, he stares intently at Madhu. Feeling extremely apprehensive, she opens her bag and takes out her key. The key is also attached to a small taser. Armed with it, she looks up but the man is nowhere to be seen. Madhu takes a deep breath.

Calm down Madhu. Calm down. You're overreacting. It was probably nothing, just a man who was just hanging around. Be brave, you have nothing to fear. Bappa is with you.

She chants her prayer that her mother has taught her for protection and walks to the parking area. As she nears her silver Audi, she again sees the shrouded figure. Gulping in fear and holding the taser tight in her hand, she silently approaches her car. However by the time she gets to the car, the figure has disappeared like a ghost. Shaking in fear at this point, Madhu remotely opens the car and runs to the driver's seat. She is ready to jump and drive away but what she sees nearly gives her a heart attack. Atop the hood of her car, is a dead crow, pierced through the heart with a dagger. Whimpering in fear, she reads the message written in blood.

I see wrong move...and checkmate.

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