Team Boys

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What the! I just found my baby girl and she's talking about marriage?!? Her marriage?!? My baby and getting married...over my dead body!

Arnav (scowls at RK): Who the hell is this Ranbir Kapoor? And why are you going to introduce MY daughter to him?!?

RK just shrugs his shoulders in response. He knows his little Star will clear things up for her daddy.

Tara (mouth open in shock): DADDY...! You DON'T know Ranbir Kapoor?

Arnav (confused): No baby...should I know him?

Tara stomps her foot and glares at her Arnav. Does her daddy live under a rock?!?

Tara: Ranbir Kapoor...the cutest and best actor...EVER! you live under a rock? (Pouts) How can you not know about him?

RK (sad face): I thought I am the cutest and best actor...EVER.

Tara (with a serious face):'re the second best. No one can beat my RK.

Arnav stares unblinkingly at the two. Is he getting it right? This Ranbir Kapoor is an actor? And he's an ADULT? What the...! My FOUR year old baby girl wants to marry an already GROWN MAN? That's it! I need to order a hit on this Ranbir Kapoor. He's done...Poof!

Arnav (sternly to Tara):'re going to keep at least a 10 feet distance from this Ranbir chap. As for marriage, just forget about it! No boys for you missy... Boys are bad news. They only want ONE thing... NO boy is good enough for you, my princess.

Tara (stomps her feet): Daddy...! That's not can't keep me away from my RK!

Arnav (growls at RK): And you...why did you tell Tara you'll introduce her to this Ranbir...whatever his last name?

RK (whispers back so Tara won't hear): Dude chill. She'll meet Ranbir while she's with us. After she meets with him, I'll set about ruining his career. That way when baby girl is all grown up she'll forget about him.

Arnav (whispers back): Hmm...Suppose it's a better plan than ordering a hit on him. What about the other boys? She's beautiful. (Scowling) They are going to come after my baby daughter like bees attracted to honey!

RK (still whispering): Aahaan... Well for those boys we'll just have beat them off with sticks, brandish our shot guns and send them packing! (Scowling) They are not getting any funny ideas about our little girl.

Tara taps her foot impatiently as the two men whisper about how to keep her potential suitors away. Getting very annoyed at the secrecy, she puts her hands on the hips and glares at her daddy and Superstar.

Tara: Helllloooo....! I am still here you know...! I wanna know the secret. (Puppy dog face) Share with me pretty pretty please! I am a big girl now...I can keep secrets.

Arnav: Mmm...I was just telling your Superstar that you my little princess are very beautiful and smart...

RK: And I was just telling your daddy that if you choose can take the film industry by storm...

Arnav (to RK): I don't think so...she's going to be in business like her daddy.

RK: No way! She wants to be cool like her Superstar and become an actress...right little Star?

Tara (giggles): Na-ah...! I am going to be a lawyer just like my mama and mima. They are smart girls...I want to be just like them!

Arnav and RK smile at their little imp...yes...THEIR...she's a special little girl. Two mommies and daddies.

Arnav: We should go outside...

RK: Aahaan. Our shernis are probably getting ready to storm in here and murder us.

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