Chapter Twenty-Two

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Apologising does not always mean that you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.
- Anonymous

Tyler Sanders

When the darkness engulfed the streets of the city, my anger turned into despair. 

As I drove through the wide black gates, my eyes looked over the gigantic  house differently. For the first time, I realised the house was too big and it was drowning in black.

The darkness around me didn't help my mood instead it dropped another level. The more I thought about Claire, the more guilt wrecked my body.

I opened the door of the car and just stared at the house. Soon, Claire would be living here. She would make this her home. How could I have questioned her character under the house which would be her soon? How could I have questioned her? Period.

Sighing, I climbed up the stairs. Each step felt heavy and filled with despair. She would have gone back to her apartment by now. Why would she stay anyway? After the way I behaved, why would she stay? Her hurtful eyes haunted my every single vision. It hurt me to see her face which -even though she tried to hide- showed me her true emotion. I didn't know why I was hurt by that. Guilt, yes but hurt, I didn't know.

This woman was already rising many emotion that I felt for Laura but it was much stronger than what I felt before. And that was what confused me more.

I really needed a long dose of whiskey. Taking long strides, I entered the living room but stopped short.

I could recognise those chocolaty hairs from anywhere. "You're...still here.." My blasted mouth spoke before I could even think. I thought she would have left by now. Thank god, she was still here. That meant, I could explain my behaviour.

Startled, Claire stood up and turned. Her eyes met mine. Her voice barely a whisper. "Do--don't worry. I-I was just leaving."

"No, wait!" I took quick steps and stood in front of her, before she could even blink. "I want to talk to you."

"No, there is nothing to talk. I was just leaving." She tried to get past me but I held her arms, gently. Without saying anything, I pulled her back to her previous position. After she sat on the couch glaring at me, I backed away.

"Let me explain." I started. "Just listen to me."

When she just kept on glaring and her lips pressed together in a thin line, I took that as a sign to continue.

"I shouldn't have said what I said...earlier but I won't apologise for it."

Claire gasped and instantly stood up. Before she could turn away from me, I jumped a feet and pulled her back on the couch. Kneeling before her, I kept a firm hold on her so that she wouldn't runaway without hearing everything.

"Just listen to me before you walk away." I told her, distressfully but she turned her head away, looking out the window with murder in her eyes.

I never thought I would be this nervous, in front of a woman and that too, while kneeling. She could be pretty unpredictable and scary sometimes.

Swallowing, I continued, "Look, I said I won't apologise because it was just me being cautious. Yes, I shouldn't have said things like that, questioning you directly but I don't know how else to ask you. I--"

"Why don't you just say you don't trust me?" Claire said, quietly. "And when it's not me, you should at least trust Liam. He's one of your loyal man after all."

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