Chapter Thirty-Two

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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
-Helen Keller

Claire Sanders

The aroma of sweet and spice filled the medium-sized homey kitchen and a timer clinked.

I stepped forward with a mitt and pulled out the rectangular pan out of the oven.

"That looks delicious." Chloe perked up, over my shoulder with her tongue peeking out. "Let me taste it."

"Ah uh!" I lifted the pan out of her reach and placed it on the ceramic counter. "After the dinner."

Puffing out her bottom lip, she tugged my ponytail. "You're no fun."

In return, I tugged her shoulder length blonde hair and showed her my tongue. "Deal with it."

"What is it anyway?" She asked pointing at the cake.

Picking up the piping bag, I started frosting the cake and muttered. "It's a three layered pumpkin cake."

"Pumpkin?" I could detect the disgust in her voice easily. "Who uses pumpkin in a dessert?"

"Many actually." I answered then finishing the frosting, I made use of the knife and cut the cake into many rectangular sized pieces. Lifting one up, I placed it on a white plate and expectantly looked at my elder sister. "As you can see, it doesn't have pumpkin only."

"Is that chocolate?" She grinned and leaned down at the piece.

"Cookie crumbs." I laughed and shook my head at her lustful face. Anyone could win Chloe over with chocolate. "Bottom layer is cookie crumble then up goes, spiced pumpkin but don't tell the kids."

"Pumpkin is healthy, right?"

I gave her a dry look. "Ofcourse, Chloe. Don't be a stereotype blonde."

Before she could retort something, a new voice said from the door way. "What's going on here?"

An automatic smile came over my face as Tyler made his way to me, albeit sporting a frown. "What are you doing? I thought I told you not to do anything."

"You want her to be a dutiful wife? Listen to you always? Good luck with that." Chloe snorted then dipped her finger in the piping bag.

I rolled my eyes and smoothed out the creases on his bottom-green shirt. Evidence of playing with Lydia and Luke. "I didn't do anything. It's just a simple cake. Less work, my dear."

Tyler looked down at the three layered cake then at me. "Simple cake? Less work?"

Before I could innocently lure my husband away, Chloe swallowed and gestured. "It looks amazing though."

Once again, Tyler looked down and paused. "Yes, it does. Is that pumpkin and what is that yellow layer?"

I sighed as I recognised the glim in his grey eyes. I had seen that look on his face many times and on a little girl too. "That's pudding then you have the cold whip."

It was a new bake for me. Since, I had been feeding my people too much sweets. I thought why not make them healthy? Coming across a pumpkin and vanilla cake recipe on the internet, I improvised adding cookies and pudding so that no one would complain.

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