Chapter Six ✓

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Chapter Six:

(Edited by CarmenOX. Thank you so much :D)

Arran's POV:

It was 8 pm and the whole office was empty by now. I was still in my office reading files from the new project and every minute passing was frustrating me. There were many loopholes in one damn file. This shows lack of responsibility, which I can never accept. I wanted to give a piece of mind to the lawyer but I had stopped myself after thinking about his pregnant wife. Instead, I sent him an email, telling him to come and see me early in the morning. That will be enough to give him sleepless night. He had one job to do!

My thoughts drifted towards my new assistant and I chuckled as I thought about Emberly, my subconscious getting the better of me again. One thing I valued the most about her is when she accomplished her work, she would smile just like my niece after getting her favourite candy. Her icy blue eyes would sparkle in happiness.

However, out of all things, I never expected her to be so feisty yet she still managed to blush out of nowhere. It has been a long time since I felt those emotions. After her. Here we go again. It has been fucking years and I still can't get over her. Maybe a part of me doesn't want to forget her. It wouldn't be surprising, I loved her since the first day I saw her in school. I had to shake my head in order to not go down memory lane again.

Looking over to my left again I saw Emberly yawning constantly and trying to keep her eyes open. I don't blame her; after all I did give her the most boring file I had. I still remembered how my father made me solve that file on my first day and how I fell asleep half way through. I have to give her credits for not dozing off.

I didn't even realise how harsh I was being with her. A few hours ago I was almost about to let her have it but her frightened face stopped me. She looked so vulnerable that I had to think twice about it. Then when she returned her sarcasm and witty comebacks came with her made me look at her differently. How can she manage to look like a frightened lamb one minute and then like a tigress the next? Other than her lack of enthusiasm regarding work I almost found her likeable. Almost. She was having an effect on me like she once had on me. I scoffed, ridiculing myself. It was too early to say that.

Not wanting to work any more I switched my laptop and monitor off and locked all open files in the cabinet, keeping one with me to work on at home. Emberly stood up as soon as she saw me. I wanted to laugh at her horrified expression.

"Well, Emberly, I hope you enjoyed your first day." I smirked whilst she rolled her eyes, "unless you are planning to sleep here I assume you should end your day."

"Why thank you, Sir." She replied sarcastically.

I motioned for her to go before me. I might be arrogant but my mother did teach me manners, but I only chose few to follow.

The whole office was empty by now except for the security guards who were still working. My attention was drawn back to Emberly when I saw her gleaming. I guess I deserve that. I've never seen someone so happy to leave this building. People will do anything to get a job in my company. It reminds me again how she didn't have to work hard to get a job in here. She was just an opportunist. She winced slightly when I began to walk faster. I realised she was trying to catch up but her sore feet were giving up.

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