Chapter Forty-Two ✓

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Emberly's POV:

I shook my head and went ahead stapling the papers together. The room was a mess right now and if Arran ever saw the state of his room he would have a mini meltdown. I was humming along with the song playing on the radio when I accidentally dropped one of the file and all the pages fell out of the folder.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Double shit!

I was on my knees collecting the paper when I heard clicking of heels against the marble floor. The red heels stopped in front of me. I followed my gaze and met with grey eyes.

My eyes widened when I realised who it was.


She was dressed an elegant white dress from Chanel's upcoming collection and red Givenchy heels. I know how crazy Cherry has been over the shoes. She told me only few people in the world had these heels and looks like Sophia was one of them. Her once long blonde hairs were now cut in a sleek bob. Her skin was blemish free and she wore very little make up. I could tell because the freckles on her nose and cheeks were visible. She was just adorning dark red lipstick and looked stunning. She was really beautiful. I could see why Arran fell in love with her.

I fisted my shaky hands, my heartbeat going crazy and found some courage to stand up. Is this really happening? First his brother and now her!

"Hi, how can I help you?" I beamed a smile and said in an over cheerily voice.

"I'm looking for Arran. The receptionist told me this way. Is he out for a meeting?" She carelessly roamed around the room touching his things. I had an urge to slap her hand away but I remained calm.

"Yes, he cleared his schedule for the rest of the day. I can convey your message to him." I kept my tone high; her eyes roamed everything in his room. She looked lost in her thought for moment before her eyes snapped to mine.

"I'll find him myself. We have a lot to catch up."

"Do you want me to book in an appointment?" I kept my tone professional.

"When is he next available?" She raised her eyebrow in question.

"In 6 months time." I deadpanned.

Honestly, I wasn't making it up. He is that busy,

She stopped what she was doing and eyed me carefully.

"Time never mattered before. He will always have time for me." Her eyes were staring at mine, challenging me. I glared back.

"Mr Raymond is a very busy person. Not everyone who wants to meet him gets to meet him." I replied.

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