Chapter Thirty-Nine ✓

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Emberly's POV:

Sunlight hit my eyes and I tried to block it my covering my face. I felt warm, too warm. Groaning, I tried to get up but an arm was thrown over my waist, holding me firmly. It took me few seconds to remember where I was and how I got there. My eyes snapped open and all the drowsiness disappeared instantly.

I was aware of how my whole body was literally all up on Arran. My cheeks were pressed on his chest and with every breath he took I could hear the slow thudding of his heart and my hand was on the hardness of his abs. Our legs were curled together, his thrust between mine and there was not even a centimetre of space left between us.

His hand was underneath my (his) T-shirt as I felt him circling the skin of my lower back. I bit my lips as I felt my stomach tightening. I shut my eyes, steading my breathing so that I wouldn't wake him up. His breathing remained the same but his hand on my back started to slide down to my butt that was only covered in thin lace material i.e. my panties. A wave of shiver shimmied up my spine. Maybe, I should get up but before I could, his hand cupped my butt cheek giving a firm squeeze.

Holy shit.

I squealed and tried to get off him but his arm tightened on my waist. I was pretty sure my face was red because I felt every cell in body burning. Arran's hand flattened around my ribcage, stroking lightly. I was surprised my breaths were not coming as pants.

"What's wrong?" His voice was deep and raspy but I could hear a tease in his tone.

What's wrong? I don't know... oh how about your hand is causing me to turn into molten lava. Play it cool, Emberly.

I craned my neck and peeked through my eyelashes since he was still refusing to let go off me. His eyes were hooded and his lips.... his lips that looked so irresistible were slightly parted.

The clever person I was, undoubtedly, said the first thing that popped in my head. "Scar."

Not a Disney reference! Trust me.

"What...?" He searched my face in confusion.

"You have a scar... here." I skimmed my fingers, tapping his ribcage when I found the faded scar. His eyes crinkled and his lips lifted in a small smile. God, this man was ridiculously sexy and it wasn't fair. I'm pretty sure I was looking like a living version of Annabelle. I cringed and tried to sit up and he allowed me. I sat, trying not to miss his touch that much. Who was I kidding; I wanted to wrap myself around him.

"As much as I would like to stay here all day, we need to get up, Emberly. I have a meeting with Mr Hunt and his associates. Can you print out the files I've emailed you last week?" He sat up too, rubbing his eyes and fired away. He turned his head to side to pick up his iPhone.

I tried to keep my face passive and mentally noted down the checklist for today. I bit my lip nervously. Do I bring up last night or not? It's okay... remember baby steps. Just because you know about your feelings doesn't mean he knows about it too. You need to give him time to move on from Sophia.

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