Chapter Thirty-One ✓

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"Hey there's a thing at my parents house. Do you want to go?" He asked me timidly.

"What thing?" I creased my brows together and questioned him warily.

"Just a family dinner." He informed me casually, but he still seemed hesitant.

A family dinner at the senior Raymond house didn't sound to pleasant to me. His whole family would be there and I barely knew anyone. It would be too awkward for me to be there with the rest of them.

"I don't know it sounds too personal. It would feel awkward." I told him truthfully.

"Why?" He frowned.

"You're my boss remember." I informed him and he narrowed his eyes like I had said the dumbest thing ever.

"I'll introduce you as my friend." He looked satisfied with his solution, and for a second, I forgot he was my boss but when I realized what he said, I frowned.

Who is he and what has he done with Arran? He was willing to introduce me as a friend?

"I still don't know." I rubbed the side of my arm nervously.

"Just say yes." He insisted, his eyes were pleading with me.

What was the worst thing that could happen? What if it turned out well? I was getting a chance to know him so why pass on this opportunity?

"Fine, I'll go." I sighed, and his lips curved up in a bright smile.

"Thanks Emberly."


Chapter Thirty-One

Emberly's POV:

"What is going on?" Cherry asked me, peering her eyes away from the magazine.

We were in my room searching for a dress. Well I was! Normally, I would've gone with the first choice, but for some reason, I felt like getting dressed to impress. Maybe it was the nerves! I had never been in this situation before so I really didn't know if the knots forming in my stomach were normal or not. I was excited to meet them, yet scared at the same time. What if they hated me? What if they frowned upon me? I sighed and picked a red dress.

"This one?" I questioned her again and she briefly looked, narrowing her eyes at the dress in my hand as she commented.

"Too slutty."

Jeez, why did I buy it in then...? I chucked the dress to a corner where a mini mountain was forming.

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