Chapter 22: Toxic

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Lucius didn't move a muscle as Anthony walked through the door to the sitting room. He only stared blankly ahead as Tom continued tending to his injured forehead and nose.

What was he doing there?

Why was he injured in Anthony's house?

"Mr. Cromwell?" Anthony stopped trying to wipe the rain off his coat as he spotted him. "What—What in Rarin's name happened to you?"

"He won't say," Tom replied in Lucius' place, and then he turned his head towards Anthony. "And one would think a grown man would be smart enough to shake water off his clothes before coming into the house."

Anthony quietly hung his drenched coat on a chair nearby.

"Found him just past the doorstep," Richard said from where he stood, leaning against the windowsill. "He's only been awake for what, half an hour?"

"Something like that," Tom confirmed as he pulled Lucius' eyelid down to check on his pupils. "I think he's got a concussion. Guess it's not too surprising with a bruise like this."

Anthony sat down next to Lucius on the couch, and Lucius turned his aching head to look at him. A vague sting in his chest hit him as he did, and he struggled to remember why.

"Who did this?" Anthony asked. "You must've run into someone on your way back, right? I knew I should have followed you home from the sanctuary."

Lucius paled. Of course, that was what the sting was about. He'd broken down in front of Anthony and had to get out of there. But then... What? He'd gone back to the Reapers' headquarters he assumed.

The image of falling towards cold stone went through his head, and he blinked.

"He was bleeding from the waist as well," Tom continued. "Not too serious I think, but I patched it up."

"Mr. Cromwell, you need to tell us what happened so we can help you," Anthony urged, but Lucius frowned.


He realized the burning pain in his side at the mention. As if the pain in his throat, face and head wasn't enough. What in the Waste had happened to him?

A sigh escaped Anthony's lips, and he rubbed the bridge of his nose as if disappointed at Lucius' reluctance to talk. Lucius didn't even know why he wouldn't. He was just confused, and his head hurt.

"Tom, Richard, could we have a moment alone?" Anthony asked the other two.

"Gladly." Tom rose from the stool he was sitting on and gathered his things. He then tilted his head at Richard to suggest he follow him. "Tell me if he gets worse though."

Lucius wouldn't look up as they were left alone. He was speechless. Someone had attacked him and he couldn't even remember? It didn't make any sense.

"Look... I get we're not close enough to discuss too private matters," Anthony said, trying to seek eye contact but Lucius refused. "But this seems important enough to at least brief me on. Is someone after you? Do you think they will come here?"

Lucius shook his head.

"Were you robbed then?"

"I—" Lucius finally uttered, but stopped to clear his throat. It seemed as though his words wanted to choke. "I don't know."

"One would think thieves would know better than to try and steal from you," Anthony tried reasoning. "... But then again I suppose you were alone."

Lucius looked around and found his coat. If he'd been knocked out and robbed all his things would be gone, but he just couldn't for the life of him imagine someone would have had the nerve to try.

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