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Mia Valentine loved St Valentine's Day (it was probably something to do with her name). Every year she looked forward to Valentine's Day, regardless of whether or not she was in a relationship. This year was going to be the first year she had been in a relationship for Valentine's Day, and she was beyond excited.

Mia Valentine was what you would call a model student. She was voted head girl, had perfect grades and not only organised events for the school's students, she also was part of four different extra-curricular clubs, of which she was also the president of (the only club she wasn't president was the pottery club, because apparently they didn't need a president).

Mia Valentine had the perfect life. She was pretty, everyone liked her, and she had the sweetest boyfriend in the whole school. Mia and Max were the it couple of the school, and were the strongest couple in their year group, as they had been together for almost two years.

This is why it was such a surprise when Mia got a text a week before Christmas from Max simply saying: "It's over between us Mia." When she pushed for him to elaborate, to see if it was just a joke or some harmless prank all she got back was "You've been really distant for the past half year, and I can tell you don't really want us to be together anymore."

Fair to say it well and truly ruined Mia's Christmas that year.

Over the Christmas break, Mia decided to do all that she could to move on from Max by the time she went back to school. After crying in the kitchen for hours on her mum's shoulder as she made mince pies and mulled wine, Mia made a promise to herself to ensure that she would be over Max by January 12th, when she would be going back to the boarding school they both attended. All too soon, Christmas had come and gone, and so had New Years.

New Year, new Mia.

This new Mia was single and proud. She didn't need a man. (She did, but she pushed that little voice down for the time being.) Mia went back to school armed with a game plan: avoid Max and keep busy. And if possible, make him jealous. 


hello, this is the story i wrote for nanowrimo this year. ill be updating this weekly, so stay tuned for that

comments are always appreciated so i hope you enjoy :)


(also i have a tumblr that you can follow for updates on my writing as well as sneak peaks!

Sealed with a Kiss | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat