january 18th

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On Friday, Mia woke up before her alarm went off, and set about getting ready. Her quiet fumbling around in the dark was enough to wake up Angie, who reached over and turned on her bedside lamp.

"What are you doing Mia? It's not even seven yet." She said, blinking in the bright light and rubbing her eyes.

"I know, but I have to talk in assembly today, remember? And I still haven't finished noting down what I'm actually going to say because I gave up after twenty minutes last night. I also need to print off the spreadsheet for ticket sales later, and I need to go down to the post room because we ordered the tickets before Christmas and if they haven't arrived by now we're screwed." She took a breath. "I've got a lot to do today." Angie chuckled.

"If you need any help, just ask. My brain will be functioning in about half an hour, so if you need anything thing done after that, I'm happy to help." Mia finished putting everything into her bag and shook her head.

"Don't worry, I've got everything covered. Don't you dare miss assembly this morning Angie." She said sternly and waggled her finger at Angie before leaving the room.

The school was quiet this time in the morning, as most people were still in bed or having breakfast in the dining hall. The post room was just next to the old library and was just as quiet. As Mia approached, she noticed the caretaker unlocking the door with a bag of post under his arm. He smiled when he saw her approaching and called out, "You here to get some post?" Mia nodded, and he beckoned her to follow him into the small room.

"Just give me a second to sort this lot and then I should be able to help you." He said and rummaged through the sack of parcels, quickly sorting them into piles and putting them into cubby holes with different numbers on them, before turning to Mia. "So, what's your name, room number and what exactly are you expecting?"

"Mia Valentine, room 319 and I'm expecting a very thick envelope, or a small parcel, depending on how they sent it." The caretaker disappeared around the corner of the shelves and reappeared a moment later with a thick envelope, and a few smaller envelopes.

"These are all addressed to you, so you may as well have all of them. Is that what you were hoping for?" Mia looked at the thick envelope and noticed the branding of the printing company she had ordered the tickets from.

"Yes, thank you very much." She looked at the other letters. "I have no idea what these ones are, thank you anyway." She said, and smiled before leaving to make her way to the hall.

The head was waiting for Mia when she got to the hall, and told her where to sit and checked over her prepared speech, before giving her the all clear and letting her wait for the start of senior assembly. Once the older years had filed into the school hall and sat down, the head rattled on for ten minutes about various dull things before gesturing for Mia to speak. Mia stood up from her seat at the side of the stage and put her notes on the little pedestal, trying to calm her nerves.

"Hello everyone, as you may know, the Valentine's Day week long fundraiser is fast approaching, and with it the Valentine's Day Ball in just over a month's time. This year we are choosing to support Cancer Research UK, and we hope that you will help to contribute in any way you can. The other events will be announced closer to the time, but today we will be selling the tickets for the Valentine's Day Ball at lunch in the study rooms, so if you want to buy a ticket you can do so there. Just so you know everyone is limited to one plus one each, so please keep that in mind. Otherwise, we hope to see you at lunch!" She finished and sat back down in her seat, thankful that she had finished.

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