january 12th

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One of the drawbacks to going to boarding school with your ex-boyfriend is that you see have to see him a lot more. It also doesn't help if your friendship groups overlap, making it very difficult to avoid him or his friends. Within five minutes of getting back to school, Mia spotted Max chatting with her roommate, Angie. When Max made eye contact with her, she quickly cast her eyes down and hurried back to her dorm room to start unpacking, ignoring Max's calls for her to wait. She didn't want anything to do with him anymore, and he had made it quite clear that he felt the same way.

Her dorm room was tidier than it had been in a while. As both Angie and Mia had gone home for the Christmas holidays, they had both taken a lot of their belonging s with them, leaving the room unusually bare. Mia knew however, that once Angie got back, it wouldn't be like this for much longer. Mia put on a playlist and started to unpack her suitcase, taking the time to fold her clothes as she put them away neatly and returned everything to its proper place. She was almost completely unpacked when Angie eventually appeared in their room. They pair exchanged long hugs and swapped stories of their holidays. Angie mostly complained about her large extended stuck up family, while Mia told her about her own holiday, avoiding mentioning Max's break up.

Later on, Angie sat on her bed aimlessly scrolling through her phone while Mia sat brainstorming and planning out the next term. After a while, Angie looked up and over at Mia, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between them after they had caught up with each other about new from their holidays.

"Hey Mia, are you okay? You've been kind of off since you got back, is there something wrong?" Maybe it was because she was tired, or maybe it was Angie's gentle tone and the repression of feelings for Max that had bubbled up after seeing him again that tipped Mia over the edge, as she started to cry. "Woah, I guess not huh. What's wrong Mia?" Angie climbed up off of her bed and over onto Mia's, and put her arms around her, gently rubbing her back.

"Max broke up with me over Christmas break." Mia whispered through tears.

"What? Seriously?" Angie looked almost bewildered as Mia just nodded and wiped her nose. "Damn, you guys were like, the dream team. Oh well, it's his loss. You're the catch of the fricking century. He'll regret this for years to come, I'm sure of it." Mia laughed weakly and smiled at Angie.

"Thanks Ange. It still sucks though. We were going to go to the Valentine's Ball together, and I really wanted to go with him. I know that's stupid, but I'd been looking forward to it for so long." Angie squeezed her shoulders and grinned with a somewhat sinister look on her face.

"Don't you worry about that, I'll make sure you have a new boyfriend by then, and you'll be an even stronger couple than when you and Max were together." Mia laughed at that and hugged Angie tight.

"Wanna help me plan said fundraiser? I could really use the extra help." Angie sighed.

"Fine, but only because you're sad and heartbroken. You know I hate this sort of stuff."

"Oh shut up, you love it really." Mia teased and pulled out her planner. "Let's gets started."

The two spent the rest of the afternoon researching and drawing up lists of possible events and activities, as well as the jobs needed to carry out those events and possible charities for the fundraiser. Mia was happy to do her best to forget all about Max, and Angie helped make it easier.


next part will be updated next week


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