january 21st

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When Mia woke up on Monday morning, her stomach was in knots again. She and Cassie had essentially made themselves an official couple online yesterday, so a lot of people would know now that they were together. She checked her phone and looked at the amount of likes the pictures had. Both had over a hundred likes. Mia breathed a shaky breath out. That was a lot of people. She had never been certain of her sexuality, and she was sure that this relationship would turn some people against her. Cassie hadn't exactly had an easy time at the school being as openly gay as she was, and she was much more confident in herself than Mia was. She took in a deeper breath and shook her head slightly. This wasn't going to affect her; she was still at school and still had to carry on, regardless of what other people thought about her.

Mia woke Angie up, and the two of them got dressed and left to have breakfast earlier than they normally would, Mia eager to avoid the usual morning rush at breakfast. Mia sent Cassie a quick text as she left the room, letting her know. When they got to the dining hall, Mia found that she couldn't stomach the idea of eating anything with her stomach in the condition it was in, so she grabbed an orange and a glass of water, as well as on apple for later on and headed over to their usual seats. Angie sat down opposite her a few moments later, her plate piled high with food. She looked at Mia's orange, apple and glass of water and frowned, but didn't say anything and started shovelling her food down.

Cassie arrived five minutes later, with bed hair and another oversized hoodie thrown over her school uniform. She was balancing several slices of toast on the plate in her hand and was carrying a cup of a dark steaming liquid in her other hand. She placed the cup and plate down carefully on the table before dropping down into the seat next to Mia, yawning.

"Why did you have to get up for breakfast so early today? I could have spent another half an hour in bed." Cassie lamented, and pulled the mug closer, cradling it in her hands. She took a sip and sighed loudly. Mia guessed that it was coffee. She looked at Mia and the look of grumpy tiredness was replaced with concern. "Mia? Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good." She said, and pressed the back of her hand to Mia's forehead, who swatted her hand away.

"I'm fine, just a little tired, that's all." Cassie continued to study Mia's face, seemingly undeterred by Mia's assurance.

"For someone trying to convince the school that we're dating, you're a very bad liar Mia." Cassie stated, and took another sip of her coffee, but didn't push her any further. The three of them sat in silence as Cassie and Angie ate, and Mia slowly peeled her orange, but couldn't bring herself to eat it. Cassie looked at Mia again, and noticed her playing with the orange but not eating it and put her mug down.

"No, seriously Mia, what's up? You can tell me. I'm your girlfriend now, remember?" Cassie leaned in closer and put her hand on Mia's back, rubbing small circles slowly. Mia sighed.

"I'm just anxious, okay?" She said defensively. "A lot of people probably know now, and I've never really been open or even certain about my sexuality publicly before. I'm worried about how people will treat me." She looked at Cassie. "Happy now?" Cassie smiled and pulled Mia into a hug, catching Mia off guard.

"Yep, much better. Don't worry about everyone else, that's what I'm here for." She pulled back from their hug and flexed. "Don't worry babe; I'll protect you from all of the homophobes. These muscles are especially adapted to punching homophobes and any other nasty Nancy's." She said and flexed again for good measure, pulling a small giggle out of Mia. That seemed to be enough for Cassie as she smiled and put her arm around Mia's waist to pull her close to her, and she whispered into her ear. "In all seriousness, I'm here for you for this, okay? So try not to think about everyone else too much, just you and me, okay?" Mia nodded and she smiled, before getting back to eating her toast.

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