Chapter Six Part 7

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Chapter Six.

At the end of August, Donald and Peter had had to return to university. Donald was picked up by his girlfriend. She carefully drove up the driveway in an expensive convertible. She was blonde, very pretty, obviously rich, and surprisingly attached to Donald. She hovered around him, making sure everything was packed. Donald showed more concern over leaving the garden than in her.

"I know - we don't get it either." Peter was standing by Christine, watching with a laugh in his eyes. "It's like this at school all the time too. Now, if you're sure you don't feel like we could make the long distance thing work..."

Chris laughed back at him. Peter was naturally flirty, but he wasn't serious. "You're free to wreak havoc among the students back at school. Have a good year."

Chris wondered if she'd see him next summer, but she wasn't sure what was going to happen. Over the summer there had been the four of them in the house and it had been like living in a rural dorm. Now, it was down to the two of them - Nicholas and her - and she wasn't sure what was going to happen.

It was a couple of days later that Nicholas returned from another show. It had gone well, she knew, thanks to the internet. When the trailer rolled into the yard, she went out and helped unloading the horses. T was happy to see her, and nudged her with his head.

"Behave!" she admonished him, and then let him loose in the paddock to stretch his legs with the others.

Nicholas let Catspaw join The Rocket and Max. He rested his arms on the fence beside her and watched the horses shake, roll and kick up their heels.

"The guys got off alright?" Nicholas asked, still watching the horses.

"Yep. Have you met Donald's girlfriend?" Chris asked.

"The blonde? Yes, that's an interesting relationship. I don't think she noticed me once Donald came down. And he's completely tied up in his studies."

Christine shook her head. Well, that was love, she guessed.

The stood watching the horses for a few minutes in companionable silence. The air was still warm, but there was a chill undertone. In the distance, a lone tree had started to change colour.

"It must have been quiet the last couple of days." Nicholas said. He spoke in a carefully neutral voice, but Chris stiffened. Something was coming.

"Yes. Not that Donald makes much noise, but Peter - well, he can't be ignored."

"You've done a great job here. I've spoken to Mr. Farbes - he's pleased with everything you've sent him. I can find anything I need in the office, the bills are paid, tax installments are all done -it's been great."

Chris waited for the "But".

"I know, when you started, that you needed something part time. But you're obviously completely healthy now, and you might want more of a challenge. The last horse show of the year is the Royal Winter Fair in November, and after that it's going to be much quieter here. I don't want you to feel like you're tied down. If you're ready to head back to Toronto, you've left things in great shape here and I'll be okay."

Chris turned. It was a measure of how much she'd grown in strength, mental as well as physical, that she faced him head on. "Is this a nice kiss off?"

Nicholas looked at her - eyebrow raised. "Kiss off?" he repeated.

"Do you want me to go?" she persisted.

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