Chapter Seven Part 8

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Chapter Seven

The trees had changed colour, then dropped their leaves. Thanksgiving came and went. Christine went to stay with Victoria for the holiday. The baby was growing, and happily threw turkey everywhere. But Chris now found the city noisy, and it was hard to relax. She didn't sleep well, and was happy to return to the farm. It was home now.

Nicholas came home with a cold from a show. The weather had been miserable, and riding in the rain hadn't helped. For a few days Christine insisted he stay in the house, and he was sick enough that he actually listened to her. He would lay on the couch watching show jumping performances and muttering under his breath between coughing and sneezing fits. She'd arranged to go visit the vet to check out his accounting system but she cancelled - she was sure he'd be out to the barn if she turned her back on him. Christine groomed the horses and cleaned the stalls, and the animals had a few days off. She warmed up soups Mrs. B had left in the freezer, and tried to patiently respond to pleas for water, medicine, pillows and repeated questions about what each horse had looked like and done. She finally took pictures on her phone and brought them in, which made him look a little sheepish and refrain from questioning for a few hours.

The only problem she had was a welt under her chin. Catspaw had startled and thrown up her head and the cross tie had caught Christine under the chin. That had hurt. And of course Nicholas had noticed and thought he should go out to the barn. Christine threatened to take all his outer gear to the barn till she thought he was well enough.

With Nicholas out of commission, Chris had made a few changes. She'd turned the barn radio to a station she liked, for one thing. When she decided he could come back she'd turn it to his station and he wouldn't be any the wiser. But she was putting in a lot of time in the barn and figured she was entitled to her own music. Enjoying the privacy, she would sing along with the music while she cleaned the stalls and groomed the horses each day. T shared her taste in music, she decided, as he would nod along with the beat.

Nicholas caught her one morning by surprise. She thought he was sleeping in, so had made her way over to the stable to get some work done before he decided he should do it. She had T in the crossties, and was singing along, not completely in tune, to a Dixie Chicks song. T was nodding his head to the music. He kept the beat quite well. Christine asked him to take her away, twirled around with a brush and found Nicholas watching from the doorway.

She blushed bright red. To say she was embarrassed was an understatement. There wasn't anything to say. T nudged her, waiting for her to continue.

Nicholas broke the awkward moment. "So this is what happens when I'm down for a couple of days?"

"I'll change it back - I wasn't trying to change anything..." she stammered.

He leaned against the doorsill. "That's fine - apparently that station is a big hit. I'd have expected it of T, but Cat?"

Catspaw had stuck her head out of her stall when she heard Nicholas. After his comment, she laid back her ears and went back inside.

Nicholas smiled. Christine had returned to the grooming, finding it easier that facing Nicholas. After a moment, he spoke.

"I have a favour to ask."

"Sure." Chris answered. Were they out of kleenex? Did he need something done with the tack?

"You might want to wait till you hear what it is. Would you come to the Royal?

Christine turned and stared at him. "Come to the Royal?"

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