Chapter Eight Part 9

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Chapter Eight

The good luck held. Nicholas wasn't her boyfriend, but Christine figured T was as close to a boyfriend as she had right now. Catspaw won her classes, completely unexpectedly. She tended to do better indoors if there were no sudden distractions, and somehow the stars aligned during her rounds. Nicholas was trying to maintain his cool, but Christine could see that he was pleased. There was a disqualification in Max's next class, while T came second by the narrowest of margins.

They didn't compete in the super dog paired contest - T hated dogs, so that was a non-starter. But for the rest of the week it seemed he couldn't place a foot wrong. Nicholas was being interviewed whenever a report could convince him to answer a question. Christine kept T looking his best for his frequent photos. T was revelling in the attention. Chris was afraid to do anything that might jinx the good fortune they were having.

It was the last night of the show. Nicholas was pretty well a lock for top show jumper. There was an atmosphere of suppressed excitement in their stabling area. Even Max, the most placid of horses was infected enough to kick up his heels in his stall. Christine found herself brushing down T over and over. He didn't mind - he looked like a horse at the top of his form.

It was almost a foregone conclusion. T came out, gave his trademark buck, and proceeded to clear each jump with confidence and ease. They won again, and there was pandemonium.

It had been years since a Canadian had been the top jumper at the show. Nicholas was popular with the broadcasters, since his outstanding looks were a good sell on television. The Rocket was a favourite - with his heavy build and grey coat he was easily recognizable, and his bucking added a character to his rounds. Nicolas was new enough to the circuit to be something of an underdog. While some of the other competitors might resent his success, they couldn't help but acknowledge that it was a result of hard work. His looks didn't help him in the ring, and he had no big cash backer.

Christine had to wait for a while before T was free to go back to his stall. He came as close to giving her a hard time on that walk back to his stall as he ever had. He was incredibly full of himself, but Christine thought he was entitled - he had performed amazingly this week - and had been blessed with a good share of luck as well. Try explaining that to a horse though.

Christine was congratulated as well, though she knew she had no part in the win. But she was there, and T didn't understand the words, so she took them and passed them on to him in extra pats and murmurs of praise.

Nicholas didn't get back to the stalls for a while. Christine had readied T and put him away for the night. She was more than ready to crash for the night, but she wasn't' sure when they were heading back tomorrow, or if maybe Nicholas wanted an extra day after tonight's celebration. So she decided she'd have to wait for Nicholas, and went into T's stall to get some privacy - Nicholas would be sure to check on the horse before he left for the night.

When he did show up, he was still buzzed from the night. Chris looked out of the box opening. He was doing his best to look blasé about this, but she could see the brightness in his eyes and the smile he was holding in.

"There you are." Nicholas said. "How's the hero?"

"Full of himself, as you can see. " Chris responded.

Nicholas had removed his jacket and dropped the winnings in the tack box. He came into he box, and grabbed T's halter. "You did great, T." he said, emotionally.

Chris stepped back. She would have left him in private, but he was between her and the door. But it was time for her to leave.

"Um, I was wondering what time we were meeting tomorrow - or did you want to leave a different day, you know, after becoming the top show jumper..."

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