Epilogue Part 15

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It was a little more than a year later. Christine was standing at the fence at the show, watching Nicholas on The Rocket. It was the World Equestrian games, and probably the last year T would be Nicholas' top horse. Bunny (they'd given in to the name) was competing in the same events as T, and catching up. Christine felt a little sad for T, but she knew he'd have a home at the farm for as long as he lived. And she'd grown very fond of Bunny. He was no T, but he was a character in his own right.

"'Allo." said a voice beside her.

"Henri!" Christine hugged him.

"I thought you might be here. I missed the US tour last year, but had to be here for the World Games."

"Well, congrats for qualifying."

"And you too. But I understand other congratulations are in order."

Christine flashed her left hand, with its rings. "Yes, he made an honest woman of me."

"I'm glad. I thought you added - warmth. I think you will do well together."

Christine found her eyes watering. "Thank you so much Henri. That was a lovely thing to say."

The news of the engagement and marriage had not found universal favour. But Norm and Victoria supported them, and Christine was surprised to learn that Anna had actually encouraged Nicholas. Christine had convinced Nicholas to participate in the Santa Claus parade last year, so they were building bridges with the community. Mrs. B was thrilled.

"So, The Rocket is firing beautifully for this competition, yes? The timing is good."

Christine nodded. "If they make the top four, I think the odds are definitely in our favour."

Henri raised his eyebrows. "Such confidence! But you know, all the riders here are also very good. I know Nicholas is very adaptable, with the horses he rides, but these other riders, they also can ride different horses. And this would be the first time he qualified for this. It is a big challenge."

"Oh, I know. Nicholas is very good, but that's not what I was thinking of. "

Henri smiled at her apparent dismissal of her husband and his not inconsiderable ability.

"No? It is The Rocket you're counting on? He is getting older, you know. I don't know that I would call him the best horse here."

Christine was a big supporter of T, but she let that pass.

"Oh, I know, but he's not easy to ride."


"You know he's a horse with his own quirks. "

"That is also true."

"You may not know that one of his quirks is that once he rides a course cleanly, he thinks he should be done. We had a problem in a Nation's Cup with that. He went clean in the first round and didn't want to jump it again."

Christine didn't mention that she'd suggested they treat the second round like a jump off. It had been a fast and furious round, but only one fence came down, there were only a few bucks, and Canada did win the event.

Henri looked across the ring, where T was involved in an altercation with Nicholas. T was a stubborn horse.

Henri looked over at Christine. "I see what you mean."

Christine's face lit up and Henri turned to see Nicholas and T riding toward them. Both rider and horse were looking at Christine. He was amazed at the expression on his friend's face, and happy for him.

"So, Henri, what are you doing with my wife?" There was a warmth in the words, "my wife". Henri thought it would be very boring to spend time with just the two of them until this newlywed phase wore off a bit.

"I'm doing nothing. She is doing what I believe is called trash talk with me, trying to scare me off. She thinks this gentleman (and I use the term loosely)" gesturing towards the horse "Will not want to do the final round more than once, if you are to make it that far."

"I'll worry about the round in front of me." Nicholas said. "Christine can do the long term planning."

They exchanged a glance again. Some message passed between them, and Henri slipped away unnoticed.

"I'd like to kiss you here."

"T would never allow it."

"That settles it. The horse is going to retire."

They exchanged a smile, more intimate than a kiss. Then Nicholas turned, ready to leap the moon, and Christine, feeling that fizzing in her core knew they could reach it, easily. All was very good.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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