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One fish, two fish, three fish more. Remember, two is a number, three is a school of fish. And therefore a fish is usually good in soup, or sometimes ironically (Though the irony is still debated by experts), fried over fire, or even boiled in its own element, water. But we can all agree that it is indeed a tasty little treat. Usually involving a lot of fat, or grease, so make sure to have a good squish of lemon in one way or another (personally I recommend in a sauce, like a béarnaise) Though sometimes stuffing said fish with lemon grass can be enough, while frying it of course.

A fish is a group person. It likes to stick together, and usually is a middle class worker, who work in a group of three or more, though some rare Pisces are reported to act like sharks, and go rouge, and sometimes take over a Capricorns place of honour. Beware normal Pisces, I've heard they will do anything to reach your precious employer. Other than that, Pisces tend to be quite reproductive, having kids above three or more. This is again to establish the safety of a group. Sadly, this safety is usually false, and the poor little Pisces, tend to be eaten by the bigger Pisces. Because remember, there is always a bigger Pisces!

An extraordinary example of the Zodiatic readings of a Pisces could be as follows
"Pisces: May you live long and prosper. Or at least one of the two. You shall have many a child, and a lot of good friends, who certainly won't snap your neck, or lure you into a bait. So relax, safety is after all in numbers."

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