25. The Kiss!!!

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I gulped, cursing myself.

What were you thinking Ruvee? Of course he will feel like that after the stunt you have showed. Were you seriously mad?

I felt like covering my face with my hands to hide the embarrassment on my face. But my hands were frozen after touching him.

So I turned away, unable to face him, his eyes. After taking two deep breaths, I began to walk away from him. But as soon as I took one step, I was stopped by a cold hand on mine.

It wasn't to difficult to realize whose hand it was, but still, the unexpected touch made me shiver. That is when I realized how hard it would have been for him, when my hands roamed his face.

I shuddered. But before I could think more about it, I was pulled and turned over to clash with a cold chest.

Our chest collided, and he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me more closer. I felt his hot breath on my forehead, but refused to look up at him. I was sure that I wouldn't be able to stand his piercing gaze.

Moments ticked by, and I slowly raised my head to meet his gaze. He gazed into me, into my eyes, and I got lost in them.

Slowly he moved his face closer, and automatically I closed my eyes. Soon, I felt his lips cover mine.

I clutched his shirt pocket, shocked by his swiftness.

His lips were soft on mine. Plump and full. He kissed mine softly. Being slow and steady. Each brush took loong time.

I forgot how to breath and hanged onto him. Leaning my weight onto him. After sometime, how long I have no idea of, I was out of breath and my lips parted for breath.

But then he locked his lips with mine suddenly, nibbling my lowerlip and pulling them between his lips. As soon as he left mine, I sucked in a deep breath, only to be locked up by his again.

Slowly he tilted his chin, deepening the kiss, and I felt his hand behind my head, angling it towards him.

I was blinded, oblivious to my surrounding. It was just him and me, and all others became of no matter. I clutched onto his hair, pulling him more into me, still not breaking the kiss.

Each time his lips closed on mine, there was a rhythm. A slow steady rhythm, and I don't know when, but I began to automatically go with the rhythm. He began angling his chin, deepening the kiss, his arms hugging me close.

And I felt like in heaven, like playing in the rain, like listening to a slow music, like having hot coffee on a cold misty morning, like listening to the sound of a baby's laughter.

It was like having too many pleasant memories come back to me at once, with him beside me.

Time ticked as we continued our kiss, not wanting to break it. But suddenly, the sound of footsteps on the stairs brought us back to earth. He withdrew his lips from mine, making me whimper.

"Aaah..." He groaned, and gave me one last, strong kiss, jamming his lips on top of mine, taking the breath out of me.

His face left me, and he took one step backwards. But his hand still held my waist, holding me straight. And clutched the table next to me, to prevent myself from falling.

I was sure that I would collapse once his hand left my waist. I was too dizzy by the kiss, too heady. My breath was still ragged. I touched my lips, but surprisingly it was not swollen.

It was smooth. This wasn't like the bite he gave me that day. That was playful, hard. This.... This was blissful.

Soon Rithu came inside the room, and as soon as she saw us, she raised one eyebrow. Did she understand?

I gulped down, trying to hide my emotions from my face, but I knew that whatever I do, I would still blush. Her eyes roamed on both our faces and down his arm that was on my waist.

I was suddenly conscious to his touch, and I tried desperately to remove his hand from my waist. But his hand never left my waist.

I looked at him, but saw no mischief in his eyes. So he wasn't playing or doing it to irritate Rithu. He was doing it because he just had to. This time there was no stopping to blush.

The thought that I am his and this arrogant handsome man is mine was too unbelievable to digest.

As I looked by, Rithu's face turned from frown to smile. She smiled at him, and he extended his arm at her.

She ran into him and hugged him close. He hugged her back, and I was happy. I had always wanted her to see my husband as her brother, and here she is already like a sister when I still haven't married him.

He kissed her forehead, and turned towards me. I turned towards him, bending my head for him to kiss mine too. He smiled a cough, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

His soft lips felt cold on my forehead, sending shivers down my body, reminding me of the closeness we shared. I blushed, and he kissed my cheeks.

I abused him with my eyes, pointing at Rithu with them. He slowly looked at her and winked at me. I abused him again, zooming my eyes at him.

All playfulness was now visible in his eyes. As soon as my eyes met his, he pressed his lips on mine for the hundredth time today. I again clutched his collar, and he winked his eyes again.

"I saw that.. Don't think I don't see anything." Suddenly Rithu's voice boomed inside the room. And I suddenly took my step back, forcing him to let go my waist.

We both didn't reply to that, looking at everywhere but Rithu. She was by now looking at both of us, smirking, her hands on her hips. And I began to adjust my hair behind my ears while he was scratching his temple.

She simply walked out, giving us a naughty smile, and winked at us when she reached the door.

I let out a sigh, but it was soon replaced by a gasp, as his arms once again snaked behind my waist, pulling me close. I pressed my palm against his chest, stopping him.

Rithu could be back any minute. What if she saw this? Choti bachchi hai woh! What will she think?

He slowly placed his head on my shoulders. Hugging me to him. And I tensed. Even we shared a kiss, it was still intense fore to hug him like this. My chest heaved, not being able to breath.

He slowly raised his head, locking his eyes in mine. His eyes pierced my soul, searching my eyes for any emotion. I felt as if he was searching my eyes, just like I did few minutes ago, and I bent my head, closing my eyes.

I felt coolness on my forehead, and realized he was kissing me. My hands automatically clutched his shirt, leaning my head onto his shirt.

We stayed like that for how long, I don't know. It could be just seconds, minutes, hours, but I felt content. I could pass my whole life just hugging him like this. I could hear the slow thumping of his heart. It felt like music to my ears.

This was it, this was what I was searching for in every men that I met. Someone that loves me, supports me, holds me like this.

Someone that saw the beauty in me, the playful me, talkative me, angry me, silent me, every face of me.

This was my husband. I don't if I could see him in right next to Rithu in my list of my life, but he was surely in the top of the list.

He has to, because I know that whatever I call this feeling that I believe to be as love, I want him in my life.

I want this arrogant, daring, playful and charming person, yes I want him.

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Friends... I'm soo sorry I know I'm really late.... It is pooja holidays and I know you will be expecting my update....

But I'm sorry, I just had a funeral!! So I was at that house, with my cousin, so I couldn't update. So please bear with it.


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