72. You were always meant to be mine

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"You know you don't have to do this right?" The desperation was clear in Cherry's voice. He was testing the waters.

"Uh-huh" Karthika aunty replied, too engrossed in her book. From the corner of my eye, I saw my mother look at the three of us and smile.

"Mom.. I'm serious. You don't have to sit beside me like this all day. Meera aunty, aap bhi? At least give me my phone back." Yup. It was definitely desperation. But I couldn't blame him.

I let out a small chuckle, earning a death glare from my so called boyfriend. The glare soon turned into his now too frequently seen puppy face, as he begged me to talk to our mothers.

"Haa aunty, both of you should get some rest. You both have been here for too long." I tried, only to be ignored by the both of them. I sighed and went back to pretending to read an article on the magazine in my hand, just like I had been doing for the last few days.

Since that day he woke up, we never got a chance to talk in private. One of our parents always stayed with us in the room, and it was getting extremely difficult for us. And my parents were also constantly asking for me to return home, but I decided to be a stubborn kid and asked them to let me stay with him at least till he gets discharged.

It was as if our parents were trying their best keep us both separated. Since then it's been like this. Him and me looking at each other longingly and sighing occasionally.

But at least we had our phone with us to chat but that was also taken away once he began to get so many phone calls from many. Our only relief was when Rithika came or when Shivani came with the twins.

It was the worst when our fathers were here, and usually I would get out of here to go visit Kiran who was admitted in the room close to ours. But now that he was discharged and shifted to Shikha's place, I was annoyed and jealous. Super jealous.

The rest of the time, it was like this. And it's only been a few days.

"Mom....." Cherry tried. Again. But only to get ignored. Again.

"Mom..." He yelled, only to end up coughing, and the three of us rushed to his side.

"See Cherry, you are still not well. And how will that happen if you keep stressing yourself. Just close your eyes and sleep. And we both know why you want us to leave, but young boy it's not happening. The nurse told us about how that machine went haywire that day. So we have decided that it's not good to leave you both alone in the room." Aunty said, and my eyes went wide.

"What?" Cherry exclaimed.

"Shhhh... sleep." She said, and I hid my face behind the book, not letting anyone see my face. I was embarrassed was an understatement. And thinking about that nurse talking to our parents about it only made it worse.

This time he decided to let it go, and huffed, shaking his head.

The torture continued until we heard a knock on the door, and to our biggest relief, Shikha and her mom came into the room along with Kiran, and the place was immediately filled with chatter.

The mothers got together to speak, and Kiran rushed to the bedside, which was occupied by Karthika aunty before. Meanwhile, Shikha rushed to me and enveloped me in a hug.

"Where the hell is your phone? I have been trying to get you since last night." She jumped me, slapping me on the side of my face.

"I don't know. I think I forgot it at home since Cherry can't use his." I said sulking.

"What??"She asked knitting her eyebrows together, making my attention fall to her face. She was looking happy and really beautiful today. There was this glow on her face.

From being arranged to love!!! #An Indian Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz