69. HER

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Life isn't easy at all... not when you are born illegitimately, and I learned it the hard way.

My mom was all I had, before she was sentenced to death for murder attempt and drug trafficking and prostitution. She was called a whore by the society, but no one knew the truth.

No one knew how she was cheated and betrayed by the man she fell in love with. But I won't blame my mother, she was only 19 then. The unfortunate girl who fell for the wrong guy.

She was working in the convent tailoring shop when she met him, Gunaa. He was a truck driver then, him and his little brother, Shiva. They transported goods from the city to the town. She fell in love with his charms, with his flirting smiles. She trusted him blindly. He knew how much she loved him and he used it. He used her body. And the poor little girl thought it was his divine love for her, until he got caught by police for drug trafficking.

She thought it was just a misunderstanding. She believed that once the police realised it was all a big mistake, they would let him know. But the man escaped, and  left the place in the dark of night, leaving her behind with a life growing inside her.

Realizing that she was pregnant, her family disowned her. She had nowhere to go, and left to search for him, the father of the child growing in her womb. And after many days, she found him. The right hand of a Drug Mafia King. He didn't look charming anymore, instead when he saw her, and sensed the bump in her stomach, he wanted to get rid of the both. He fed her to the hungry men of his, who took all of the vanity she had left in her, and dumped her on the forest, letting her die.

But she survived, and went to the convent she worked in and the sisters gave her a shelter. But people began calling her a whore and she began to hate the child growing inside her. She wanted vengeance and once again went to the same hell where she was destroyed and threatened to arrest all of them for ruining her life. And she did.. but the plan backfired. Instead of arresting the blasted men, the police arrested her, framing her to murder attempt, drug trafficking and prostitution.

The poor girl realized she misunderstood Gunaa. She had no voice in the court where she was insulted, embarrassed and called a prostitute by men all around. The 6 month child growing in her was called many other names, and she had no voice to respond. She broke all her mental barrier, falling into depression.

She gave birth to a girl in a mental hospital of the prison and didn't even bother to have a glimpse of the child, whom she believed was a spawn of the Satan himself. The girl was taken in by the convent, never pampered or loved by her mother. They named her Sophie Maria and brought her up, without letting her know who her mother is, or how she was born. She grew believing she lost her mother giving birth to her and that her mother loved her very much.

And that girl is me. Sophie Maria. The illegitimate daughter of Gunaa. But my story doesn't end here, it only began.


  I grew up in the convent, with other children who didn't have parents like me. It was only when I was in 6th I got my first visitor. My aunty, from my mother's side. She was my mother's sister and she had been searching for me for the past years. She was still unmarried, and she took me in, giving me the love I had lost from my mother. She told me about my mother, how I looked so much like her, but never once she told me how she died or about my father.

It took me a few years to know the truth from her. The whole truth, after a lot of questioning and pleading. She told me the story of my mother, the girl who fell in love with the beast. She told me how devastated she was after her parents threw my mother out of the house, how she read in the papers of my mother's misfortune. How she had taken secret visits to meet my mother in the convent.

She was the only living soul that knew the truth about my mother. And she passed it on to me. Vengeance burned in me and I swore on my mother I had never seen, to make him pay. That is how, many years later, after I became a nurse, I set out a hunt for him. But the Gunaa now was different from whom my mother knew. This Gunaa was far worse. He was now the Mafia King, a rapist, murderer and a complete bastard as well, his brother far worse than him if possible. A real criminal.

From being arranged to love!!! #An Indian Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora