33. Waking up to you!!

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I opened my eyes, and suddenly didn't feel like getting up. It felt warm, peaceful, surprisingly comfortable.

I closed my eyes again, cuddling closer into the duvet. But then something happened giving electric shocks throughout my body. I gulped looked down.

My stomach was bare, the top had hitched up and on my waist lay a hand.  I moved my eyes to the source and saw him hugging me from behind, his nose touching my neck.

Suddenly I felt his breath on my neck, raising goosebumps on my body, chilling me. He hugged me close, pressing his hands on my stomach shuddering me.

I noticed our sleeping postures. My knees were bend and his knees fitted the void perfectly, my back was touching him, his heart beating against me.

That was enough to destroy my sleep and my peaceful breath. Must be because of my twitching that he hugged me closer.

"Sleep.." He muttered in my ears. His voice so manly and rough, I almost lost my breath. Why do you do this to me?

"How can I if you do this?" I complained, my voice soo child-like compared to his, and I felt like clearing my throat to make it more adult like.

"Do what?" He asked cuddling me closer, his voice still intimidating.

"This..." I said motioning my eyes towards my waist. But I regretted it, my waist was now exposed. He smiled, pulling the top over my waist. And again hugged me closer, kissing me behind my neck, and I lost all control.

I inhaled fast, sucking in air, pushing my head back, pulling my legs closer. He chuckled at my response, his voice was not helping at all.

He blew behind my neck, again putting his knees perfectly in the void I created behind my knees. Oh God!!!

  "But you seemed to be perfectly fine when your legs strangled my hip last night" he said in his husky tone, shaking me. Shitt!! I really did that? Oh god please make a hole beneath me and bury me in it, please.

"You are biting your lips..." He said, and I realized I was indeed. I looked behind me to see his eyes closed. How did he know that I was biting my lips.

"I'm not, and even if I did, you can't see it from there." I said challenging him, while his hands still roamed around my waist.

  "May be I can't see it, but I know you did.." He said eyes still closed. How can he know?

This time I turned around, and he straightened his legs, so that we were still too close, close enough to feel each other breath on our face. His eyes were still closed.


"Because its you, and I know you too much." Okay.. Huh what?

But my thoughts were disturbed as I felt his finger running along my waist that was  again exposed. He moved the hem of the top out of his way, now holding my waist with his full hands.

"You are biting your lips again..." He said and my fingers touched my lips, and found them beneath my teeth.

His guesses were too correct, no wonder he is a police officer.

I was about to argue when I noticed that his eyes were open, staring into my face, and every words got stuck at my throat.

His eyes slowly shifted to my lips, and I again became conscious that I still hadn't let go of my lips. So I slowly released, not giving him a chance to let things go out of control.

This time he hitched a breath and the warmth of his hands on my waist suddenly left me. I whimpered and he smirked, snaking his hand behind his head and looking the ceiling.

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