[ 15 ] The Sidam Touch

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• C H A P T E R   F I F T E E N •

Two years ago

I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation that both Dean and Stacey had earlier. The scene just kept replaying in my head, over and over again, like a broken record.

What could they have possibly been talking about?

I decided not to wait for Stacey after her volleyball practice and came up with some lame excuse of having a dentist appointment. I requested for Anthony to give her the message.

A part of me didn't have a good feeling on what Stacey and Dean were planning to do. After arriving home from school, I headed to my bedroom before deciding to take a nap. I planned on confronting Dean the next day since, I trusted him more then anyone. In addition, I was certain that he would ease my growing suspicion and compel me, to quit digging too deep into things.

The next day, I woke up to a couple of missed messages and calls mostly from Dean. I chose not to text him back since I told myself that everything that I needed to say to him was to occur at school face to face.

By the time I arrived at school in the morning, I settled for sending Dean a simple text message that implied to meet me near my locker.

I made my way towards said destination and managed to grab a few textbooks from my locker. Just when I was on the verge of making my way towards homeroom, I was greeted by a pair of familiar crystal blue orbs once my back faced the locker.

To my dismay, Stacey was standing right in front of me with a worried expression plastered across her face as she folded hers arms.

"I heard you had a dentist appointment yesterday," she began in a suspicious tone before continuing, "how did it go?"

"It went well." I said dismissively. From the way I responded, I could sense she may have felt that there was some tension in the air.

Stacey's eyebrows knitted in confusion before she rolled her eyes. "We both know that your attempt of an excuse is pretty lame so why don't you tell me the real reason as to why you left yesterday after school."

I heaved a sigh.

Did I really want to elaborate on the reason behind my sudden cold demeanour towards her?

Initially, I had planned to face Dean and vent my suspicions based on what I heard.

Although, once I examined how Stacey appeared concerned and distraught over the way I was acting towards her, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"I overheard your conversation with Dean yesterday in the hallway." I revealed before thinning my lips.

Stacey's eyes widened as her muscles suddenly tensed. She appeared like a deer caught in the headlights as she failed to say something.

Scrunching my eyebrows, I could feel my whole body rage with anger. This definitely wasn't the reaction that I was expecting from her.

A few seconds passed and she still wasn't able to say anything.

"Aren't you going to say something?" I inquired bitterly.

Stacey was finally pulled out of her trance before she averted her gaze towards me. "How much did you hear?" she inquired in a soft spoken voice.

"You were cheering Dean on how you couldn't believe that he was planning to do something and how he warned you not to tell anyone of whatever the heck it was that you two were talking about."

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