[ 30 ] Safe? The irony

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Previously On Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

After it was revealed to Emery that Noel played a pivotal role in Dean's plan to humiliate her years ago at his party, she wants nothing to do with them. It was later revealed in her confrontation with Dean that the reason he never disclosed Noel's true colours to her, had to do with Noel threatening Dean with a drunk text Dean sent Emery, the night after he humiliated her. A text that was accidentally sent to Noel instead of Emery. Dean has yet to reveal to Emery what the message said. 

Meanwhile, the school's Camp trip is nearly approaching, meaning more drama. Can Emery and her friends reconcile before it's too late? Will Aaliyah break up with Luke after finding out about Luke also contributing to the plan to humiliate Emery?

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C H A P T E R 


His hand still clasps mine.

Somehow, I glance over my shoulder to meet his gaze. For what seems like an eternity, we stay in the same position as his words echoes in my head.

Even if he missed me, it still doesn't change a thing.

Two months ago, if someone told me that Dean Darnell would be in the girl's bathroom, admitting that he missed me when I was away and trying to talk me out of changing school, I'd laugh in their face.

And yet, here we are.

The door swings open and in comes Evangelina.

"Dean," She starts off in a panic tone, "Redhawks are convened to the principal's office. You need to go now." After alerting him, she swings her restless gaze to our intertwined hands.

We break away from each other upon her scrutinizing gaze. Dean cocks a brow in surprise after swiveling around to anchor his attention on her.

I don't know why I didn't react as fast by untangling my hand from his hold but it's as if my brain couldn't send enough signals to pull away because it felt so — so . . .


Inwardly, I rid myself of the thought.

Apprehensiveness gleams in Evangelina's eyes. "I hope you don't get suspended."

"I won't." comes his calm response before locking his gaze with mine again.

"They could you know, for not doing anything to stop the fight." she insists.

Nonchalance contorts his face before he glances her way. "Relax, besides if they end up suspending me then they'd have to suspend those who had no problem recording the entire thing with their phone. I savored every minute of that jackass get beat up by Quentin and if I end up getting suspended because of that, it was worth every second."

Before Evangelina can respond, the door abruptly opens again, slightly knocking her over.

A small group of girls invade the room followed by a round of apologies.

"What the hell are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" The tallest girl of the group is the first to address Dean in a ruthless manner after her and her group of friends all share a look of astonishment. "This is the girl's bathroom in case you're wondering." she continues.

Even with his back turned to me, I'm sure the look he's giving her isn't one of nonchalance.

"I wasn't wondering," comes his apathetic response, "now I hate to leave but my doctor says boredom is bad for me." His eyes speak volumes once he measures my gaze for a few seconds before sauntering out of the bathroom.

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