[ 16 ] You can't talk some sense into a senseless person

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• C H A P T E R S I X T E E N  •

They say that confidence is the key to retaining an everlasting friendship.

But in the case of my friendship with my two best friends, confidence is an aspect which is definitely lacking in our department.

Friendship is everything. There's nothing like having a group of friends with whom you can confide your deepest and darkest secrets to because you know for a fact that they won't judge you or turn their back on you when things get tough. So what good is a true friend if that person keeps a lot of things from you and the same goes for you as well?

With Natalie and Aaliyah, I feel as though we're not forthcoming in telling each other everything most of the time. Aaliyah could've easily revealed that she was having doubts about her relationship with Luke when I confronted her yesterday but on the contrary, she simply dismissed my observations and gave the impression that everything was dandy.

After withdrawing from Luke and his annoying presence, I saunter into the hallway as I try to convince myself that by addressing the topic of reliance to my friends, we will all be able to move past this.

Once I spot Aaliyah and Natalie conversing amongst themselves near their lockers, I make a beeline towards their direction.

"We need to talk," I say flatly as I come to an abrupt halt in front of them.

They pause their discussion to regard my presence, both appearing glazed.

"Is there something wrong?" Aaliyah inquires with a perked brow.

I vividly nod in response before saying, "Why didn't you tell me, that you were having problems with your boyfriend when I confronted you yesterday morning?"

Aaliyah knits her eyebrows in confusion, giving away the impression that she's unaware of what I'm talking about whereas I know underneath her façade, she's masking her private despair.

Natalie folds her arms across her chest as she trows me a perplexed look before averting her gaze towards Aaliyah's direction. "What is she talking about? Didn't you say that she had nothing to worry about in regards to your relationship with Luke?"

Aaliyah pulls the oblivious act really well as she shrugs her shoulders, only infuriating me more by the second. "I don't know what Emery's talking abou —"

"Cut the crap Aaliyah and why don't you just be honest for once?" I interject harshly. "Luke just paid me a visit before addressing the issue."

Instantly, Aaliyah drops her façade before raising her arms up in exasperation. "I can't believe he did that, after I repeatedly instructed him to keep it between us." she discloses before mumbling incoherent words.

I shake my head in disdain, squinting my eyes at her. "I can't believe you weren't forthcoming with me in the first place, and you were planning on withholding the truth from Natalie and I ."

"Emery, look you have every reason to be upse — "

"Upset?" I interrupt her for the second time in a row. "Upset doesn't even begin to describe what I'm currently feeling. Is this what it's come to, these days between us? Secrets on top of secrets and lies on top of lies?"

You're also guilty of keeping secrets from them.

My subconscious tells me but I dismiss it.

Silence reigns among us as the distant chatter from other students can be heard from across the hall.

Natalie runs a hand through her chestnut locks before breaking the silence. "Whatever is going on between you and Luke is strictly your business Aaliyah, we get that, but you know you can come to us when you need to vent your frustrations right?"

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