[ 3 ] I should've known better

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❝ You're a mess, I confess, I despise you in the best kind of way. ❞

Coco J. Ginger

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If I were to hear his voice two years ago, I probably would have felt the physical sensation of fireflies erupting in my stomach which lead to an increased heart rate and a common feeling of excitement.

      But as I'm standing in the parking lot; clenching my fists with a scowl plastered across my face, I am prepared to face the devil in disguise.

"Do you own this property? That's right I didn't think so." I sneer with venom dripping from my every word after turning around.

When it comes to my encounters with Dean, I always have to be on guard.

"You didn't answer the question." Dean bellows, his eyes narrow as they tighten around the edges. This is exactly how we've been addressing each other two years ago with our exchanged bickering and vulgar insults. I can't even begin to explain how the boy standing right in front of me, has managed to cause me a lot of pain in the past. His reappearance in my life, triggers bad memories I so desperately have tried to push at the back of my head.

Every part of me despises him with a passion.

Was I not informed of his absence for the whole day? I'm not ready to face him just yet. It's all  just too much.

My heart is beating so hard against my ribcage that I'm practically sure he can hear it.

"I'm not obliged to answer your irrelevant question." I spit out in disdain.

"No see, what's going to happen is, I'm going to drive you to the airport and you're gonna take a plane to go back to wherever you came from." he snarls, pulling his facial expression into a tight frown.

I throw him a death glare. "Me and you in the same car. . .yeah, I think I'll pass."

For what seems like ages, he doesn't say anything, probably trying to come up with the next insult he's prepared to throw in my way.


I immediately beat him up to it. "I'm going to pretend that I never had this conversation with you and ignore you throughout the whole semester. Now Get Lost."

      "You've got to be kidding me. . ." he throws me a darkened expression which directly causes my fists to clench harder. "So you're staying here for the whole fucking semester?" he echoes, making a low guttural sound of hostility in his throat.

I glare at him sharply as he approaches me slowly, his 6'2 towering my 5'9 frame. He's so tall that I'm having to lift my head a couple of times just to see his face.

Lividness surges within since all I want to do is punch him in the face for wearing that arrogant expression of his.

He's standing so close to me that I can practically feel his breath fanning my nose. I can't think straight due to the close proximity. I'll do anything to be anywhere else but here.

"Why don't you leave her alone Dean?" I never thought I'd be happy to hear that voice until now. Ladies and gentlemen, Anthony coming to the rescue.

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