Eiji Kikumaru x Reader - Thick and Thin

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A/N- Hey guys! Missed me? With a new school year and tons of drama , I've been really busy with my private life. I've been updating so many things. But it'll be a little slow, so hold ur horses and I'll be updating faster during breaks. Enjoy! P.S, I'm warning you, grab a box of tissues.


There were many reasons as to why Eiji Kikumaru was a great guy. He was caring and loved to spoil you. Even during High school, he was an amazing guy and the both of you came through. Eiji had an amazing job and you were always at either work or home.

When it came to children , Eiji was very sensitive to it. You couldn't bare a child and he was supportive throughout these few years. If he wanted a child, he could have adopted. But the two of you kept trying. You got off your birth control and he never used a condom.

After long tries, nothing worked. You both decided to stop,until that day came. The day you became pregnant. After years of trying, you had finally become pregnant. It was a miracle, truly a miracle.

Your friends threw you a big party. All his friends came. They gave you both gifts. It's was the luckiest day ever. The two of you couldn't be any happier.

As days go by, your pregnancy was getting worse. Constant sickness, mood swings, constantly eating, soreness, it was crazy. But Eiji held through it. He made you smile through the toughest times.

Months passed and your due date was getting closer. You were in the car , on your way home from the hospital. Eiji was driving. The two of you were laughing and talking as usual. That's when the unexpected happened.

Your car was flipped over. Nothing happened to Eiji, just a minor cut. But you were badly injured. You were rushed to the hospital, Eiji by your side. He had tears come from his eyes. He had to stay strong. He can't break down. He couldn't dream of losing you.

Your parents showed up at the hospital, along with a few of his friends. Everyone was worried. Eiji sat outside the room, constantly praying.

"Eiji, how is she ?" Fuji asked

"I don't know yet..." He sighed and tears threatened to spill from his eyes. The doctor came out and told everyone that you had survived, but the baby didn't survive. Eiji was devastated. He walked into your room to see you sitting there, looking at your stomach .

"She's gone...." You cried. You cried even louder. Eiji couldn't take it anymore. He hugged you and cried into your shoulder. All his emotions came out.

"It's not fair ! Why does this happen to us?!? What did we do to deserve this?!?" You sobbed and screamed at the same time. Eiji hugged you tighter as you sobbed.

"Don't worry, we will get through this. We always do.."

*Years later*

You and Eiji watched your daughter as she was getting married. Yeah, after your miscarriage, you and Eiji still kept trying. And you finally gave birth to a baby girl. She grew up to be beautiful. Tears fell as you watched her kiss her new husband. Eiji hugged you. Your daughter walked up to the both of you and give you both a big hug.

"You both are the best parents ever. I love you."

You started crying. "I love you too...."

No matter what happened, he was always there. Through thick and thin ♡


Idk if this was sad enough to get you all crying lol. I was thinking of making it tragic at first, but then I was like, lemme write that for something else. Anyways, follow, vote , comment and share! Until next time peeps .


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