~Scandal~ 2

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Cookie: Welcome to chapter 2! I'm still thinking about who will play Derek. Welps, until I figure it out I'll just keep posting pics of Chace Crawford who I have playing as Evan Staton. There he is on the right-----> see? see? XD

And if you haven't already, check out Amyscence's boyxboy romance "Step-Brothers" ^_^


Two days later I set my plan in motion.

     Taking my cell phone out my pocket, I dialed his number. In three rings he answered the phone with a monotone, "Hello?"

      I dropped down on my bed, tucking one arm under my head. "Come over to my house, butt-face."

      I heard Evan sigh on the other line. "Hello, Derek."

      "Yeah, yeah, hi. Now come over."


      "I have something for you."

      "What is it?"

      I scowled. "Hey, what's up with the twenty friggin' questions? Just come over."

      "I'm busy."

      I stiffened. Oh shit, was I too late? "Why? Where are you? Are you in your room?" I sat up. "Who's in there with you? Do I know him?" If I did I was going to kick his ass. If I didn't...well I'm still going to kick his ass.

      Evan sighed again. Yeah, he's been doing that a lot around me lately, like I was hopeless or something. "Yes, Derek, I'm in my room and no, no one is in here with me."

      I laid back down, relaxing. "Oh. Right. So come over."

      "Aren't you suppose to be doing your history report?"

      I snorted. "Yeah, but Mr. Tanner gave us a week to finish it. I have plenty of time."

      "It's due this Monday, Derek."

      Oh shit, Monday was just two days away...."Whoops, my bad."

      "Get off the phone and finish it or you'll be stuck in detention for a week. Again."

      "So come over and help me finish it."

      "Did you even start it?"

      "Come over and find out."

      "Derek, why do you want me to come over so badly?"

      "Evan, stop being an ass and just come over." I pressed the END button before he could keep yapping at me to start that damn history report. Geez, he was a worse nag than my own mother. I mean why bother with history? The past is the past, people need to move on already! Why should I care about some dead old midget with the name Bonaparte?

      No, I thought standing, what was important was the present. And right now I needed to cure Evan of his little..."problem". Yeah, if you consider being gay a "little problem". To me it was a big deal. HUGE. Because my best friend, the most popular guy in school had to tell me that he was gay. Not gay has in "happy" but gay as in Lady Gaga's "let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick."

      Opening my dresser drawer, I rummaged through it until I found what I was looking for. The latest porn DVD. My plan? To make Evan watch it. Why? Because he needed to see how much better doing girls instead of doing...dudes. Man, that's sick. What made him think he was gay in the first place?

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