~Scandal~ 8

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 Cookie: I didnt like this chapter cause it didnt come out like I wanted. Since I found out that people read the unpublished draft for chap 8 i lost all will to finish editing. *blows nose* So please excuse any mistakes, bad grammer blah blah blah *sniffs*

Youtube song link is All Time Low's version of "Umbrella" which I dedicate to Evan and Derek ^_^

Pic is of Evan...and yes I'll have Chase Crawford keep playing him until i find someone better! So please stop complaining to Cookie about how "too hot" he is to play a gay guy...*evil grins* That's the beauty of it XD


(Evans POV)

OHMEGOSH OMEGOSH OMEGOSH" Annie chanted excitedly, covering her mouth. "No Way!"

     "Dude," Paul's hand gripped Derek's shoulder, "what are you talking about? You and...and Evan?"

      Loud mingled voices surrounded us, growing higher by the second. I looked around at the faces of our friends and strangers. Some had the look of disgust, a reaction that I had long suspected. But there were other expressions as well. Shock, confusion, pity, interest, curiosity and anger.

      I shook my head. What was Derek thinking? I knew that he's an impulsive guy but this...this I would have never expected of him. I didn't know whether to kiss or punch him, that idiot.

     "It's gotta be a lie!" Some girl shrieked.

      "Maybe it's true!" Someone else said. It was hard to tell who was saying what. Everyone seemed to be talking all at once, their voices ringing in my ears.

      "I knew they were too hot to be straight."

     "Nooo, Evan why!?"

     "Oh my god! Why are all the hot ones gay? Un-freakin-believable!"

     "Then who got Shelly pregnant?"

     "Evan! Evan! How long have you guys been boinking?"

     I groaned, rubbing my temple. Their voices was giving me a headache I really didn't need right now.

     "So, what?" A boy with curly hair stepped out the crowd surrounding us. "You two have been fags this whole time? That's fucking sick!" He turned and looked at me, the intense hatred in his eyes piercing right through me. "And you, the school idol, figures you're a faggot."

     A fist connected to his jaw in a blink of an eye.

     "Say that again you fucking bastard!" Derek hissed, furious. He grabbed onto the other boys shirt and shook him. "I dare you to say it again!"

     Damn it! I muttered a curse, pushing past people to get to them. I knew something like this was going to happen! Derek was too easily angered and tended to act before thinking. He liked to let his fist do the talking for him, something I had long tried to get him out of the habit of doing.

     "Derek let him go," I snapped, grabbing on to his arm and tried to jerk him back.

     Derek shrugged my hand off and tightened his hold on the boy. "Fuck that! No one calls you a faggot and gets away with it."

     I blinked at him, at lost for words. Well...that's interesting. Derek didn't seem to mind saying the word "fag" or "faggot" but let anyone else call me that and he gets furious. Later I'll laugh about that fact but right now I needed to get Derek away from the boy. From the looks of it he was nothing but a Freshman, a little boy whose parents were probably over religious nuts who taught him that gays are spawns of hell.

High School Scandal (A BoyxBoy Romantic Comedy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat