~Scandal~ 3

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Cookie: Hmm, most of you want Alex Pettyfer to play Derek. I really don't see him as Derek thought. LOl, maybe Evan but not Derek. Hmm...Alex Pettyfer as Evan...

Anywhooooo, Derek's BoyxbBoy crazy sister will be played by...*beats drum* Dakota friggin' Fanning! XD Teehee Pic on the right ppls---->


That very night I barged into my little sisters room, not bothering to knock.

      Kim was laying on her belly on the bed wearing pink pajamas, legs up in the air and crossed behind her. She had a bag of chips on the side and a book opened in front of her. She looked up when I entered, a potatoe chip hanging between her lips.

      "Hey," I said, striding to her bed, "you read those homo comics, right?"

      She blinked up at me, taking the chip out her mouth. "Homo comics? You mean my Yaoi collection?"

      "Yeah, whatever."

      Kim huffed. "Well for your information it's called Yaoi, not homo comics. It's a beautiful Japanese art form expressing BL. That stands for Boys Love by the way."

      I gave her an I-don't-give- a-crap look. "Yaoi, homo comics, what's the difference? They're all about gay shit right?"

      Kim shrugged. "Yeah, what about it?"

      "What does it say about turning back?"


      "You know," I waved an irritated hand, "turn back to normal. Turn gay guys straight again."

      Kim blinked. "It doesn't."

      "What?" I barked, "why not?"

      "Derek, you can't be gay one day and not the next."

      "Why the hell not?"

      "Because." Kim nibbled on her chip, flipping the page of her book. "Besides, it's not like an on and off switch."

      Damn. There's got to be something that could help me with my mission. Why couldn't a gay guy turn straight again? Seeing that I wasn't going to get any help from her, I turned to leave but found myself pausing at the door. Something was still bugging me.

      "Hey," I said, turning around to face her.


      "Do I...would I..."

      She took her eyes off the book to look at me. "What?"

      I fidgeted. "Uh...would I attract gay guys?"

      Kim lifted up a brow. "Why, are you gay?" She smiled. "That would be so cool. We can like go to Gay Pride together and walk in the parade!"

      "I'm not gay," I glared at her. "I just wanted to know if I...if a guy like me can attract gay dudes."

      She got quiet and studied me. I felt myself start to sweat with her staring at me like that. What the hell was she looking for? I felt like bolting out the door when a really creepy smile spread on her face. Why'd I have to friggin' ask her?

      "Weeeeel," she drawled, "yeah, you would be a gay magnet. Not to be all incest but you're a pretty good looking guy. You'd make a good uke."

      I scowled at the unfamiliar word. "What the hell is an 'uke?"

      She wiggled her brows. "It's the Japanese term for being the bottom half in the relationship."

High School Scandal (A BoyxBoy Romantic Comedy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz