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Cookie: I'd just like to thank ALL my fans for your support. *sniffs* Really, thank you. It's because of you that this story has made it this far. I don't even have to ask you guys/gals to vote. You just do right away. XD Someone of you even go back to vote on the ones you've missed. I noticed that...thanks XD

And of course I LOVE all your comments. Its really fun to read what people have to say. Most have you have such funny comments, really getting into the story. ^_^

Anywhooo,  here's chap 16!!

Pic is Evan

Youtube song link "Everytime I Close My Eyes" by Babyface. It's an older song but I love it! It's so...sweet. *sighs*


~Derek's POV~

"Derek," Evan sighed, "stop mumbling under your breath, I can still hear you."

      I glared at him.

      He sighed again. "I told you that I didn't kiss him. Besides, it was just a kiss. Giovannie was just playing around."

      I scowled.

      Evan shook his head and continued to pull my hand as we made our way back to the cabin. Yeah? Well he can keep shaking his head because I'm still ticked. I mean what the hell was he thinking, letting another guy kiss him? Messing around or not. He needed to be more careful and stop hanging around weirdos like Greg and that Giovannie guy. Fucking annoying.

      "It's a nice morning," Evan said, smiling, "Too bad we have to go home today."

      Right, back to school tomorrow. Hur-friggin'-yay.

      "I like the lake," he went on saying, "specially in the mornings. It's peaceful."

      I snorted. Yeah, whatever.

      Evan stopped walking and turned to me. "Are you going to mope around all day like this?"

      "I'm not moping."

      "Yes, you are."

      "Fuck you, Evan."

      He rubbed his forehead tiredly. "Yeah, you're moping all right. Your language becomes more deplorable whenever you're in this mood."

      Deplorable? I rolled my eyes. Evan and his friggin' big words. Maybe he should hang around Greg after all. They both can kiss each other and use big words to describe the experience. Maybe even play some Scrabble.     

      "Derek, it didn't mean anything to me. It was just a kiss."

      "Yeah?" I snatched my hand back, "maybe I should kiss the next girl that comes by and you wont care right? It'll be just a kiss."

      I was being an ass, I knew it, but I didn't want to be rational. I wanted to hurt him. Shit, he's suppose to like me right? Me. I figured as much last night and if that was the case then he shouldn't be letting his guard down and let other people kiss him like that.

      And the thing that bugged me the most was that he kept saying that it was "just" a kiss. Like it shouldn't matter if others kissed him in front of me. Yeah, maybe it shouldn't...but it did. It bugged the hell out of me and I didn't like it. Not one fucking bit.

      Jealousy is a bitch.

      Evan stared at me and I glared back. He opened his mouth, looked like he had thought twice about speaking and closed it. Shaking his head, he turned around and walked away. I watched his retreating back and frowned. Damn...now I felt guilty.

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