Chapter 5

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The excitement thrumming through Harley's veins built up until it was all she could do not to break out into a dance in the middle of the busy mall. This was the third day she'd spent job hunting. Yesterday and the day before, she'd spent her time store-hopping and turning in application after application.

This morning she'd woken up to a buzzing phone. One of the retail stores wanted her to come in for an early afternoon interview. Without much thought she had jumped on a bus and gone to the mall.

She'd had to pull out all of the personable qualities she had along with her determination and seriousness, but it got her a job! An honest-to-goodness-minimum-wage-paying job. Her training would start later in the week and then as of next week she'd be an official employee.

Because of her success, she decided to treat herself to an ice cream cone—vanilla, of course—before catching the next bus home.


Much like any other day, the pack house had a steady stream of activity. Harley smiled at people as they passed her down the hallway into the kitchen.

The kitchen Natalie and a few other women paced around the room preparing food. At the counter, a woman with long blonde hair chopped vegetables while another short, plump woman peeled carrots.

Natalie and Cameron had busied themselves by setting the long dining table off to the side. At the moment, Natalie frowned down at one of the place settings. "I think Paul is left handed." She said. With a tight smile, Cameron switched the silverware settings.

Then she blinked and shook her head. "Wait, no he isn't. I'm thinking of Max."

"Is Max going to be here tonight?"

Natalie stared into the distance—unseeing—and tapped her finger on one of the chairs. "I don't...think so."

"Then we're good." Cameron looked relieved.

"Let's set a place just in case." She declared, then walked away.

Harley had to bite her lip to keep the laugh in. Cameron looked like he was seriously considering flipping the table.

There was a warm atmosphere to this place. Every time she walked into the home, people greeted each other and laughed amongst themselves. They joked with each other in a way she'd only seen on TV.

It was bizarre, this warmth. But she liked it. This pack treated each other like family. Her Aunt Tracy's pack worked around each other. In Tracy's pack, there was a strain with all the members, as if they all merely coexisted with each other. Not to mention the alpha was never there.

Harley had seen Alpha Mark twice since this morning alone.

"Natalie, how do you feel about onions?" Will strolled into the kitchen from the pantry, smiling at her almost immediately. "Hey Harley."

"Grilled onions would go perfect with the steak." Natalie said. "Good idea."

Will held the onion out to Harley. "Do you mind?"

He wanted her to help cook? She didn't know much about cooking at all.


He gestured her over to a spot by the stove. "Come on, all you have to do is chop it up."

She hesitated. "Okay, I guess."

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