Chapter 39

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Harley woke up the next morning on the living room couch, nestled next to Will. His body was hot enough to make her sweat, though if anyone wanted to separate them she'd have to be forcibly removed. His hand rested on her arm and that simple skin on skin contact alone was enough to send her nerves into overload.

Unfortunately for her, if she didn't make a bathroom trip soon, she'd embarrass herself something fierce.

Will didn't stir as she got up. She was content to leave him there. The poor man earned as much sleep as he wanted.

Leaving the bathroom after some much-needed relief, she padded into the kitchen.

Natalie stood staring out the back window, a cup of coffee held close to her chest.


At her entrance, Natalie turned and gave Harley a happy yet exhausted smile. "Harley, good morning. Why don't you sit at the table and I'll get you a cup?"

Coffee sounded beautiful right about now. "Thank you."

She waited until the steaming mug arrived in front of her to ask. "How did last night go?"

Natalie blew out a breath, "It was the most stressful night I've ever had."


She flashed white teeth, "You're looking at your new Alpha female."

Surprisingly, giddiness welled inside of her. She threw herself at Natalie and scooped her into a hug.

The relief hit them at the same time. They sagged in each other's arms.

"I'm so happy for you, Natalie."

Natalie's arms wrapped around her back. "I never thought I'd be this relieved."

"How's Oliver doing?"

"He's in the infirmary resting. I came down to take a moment for myself and find him something to eat."

"The damage isn't too bad, is it?"

"For what the fight could've been? No. He made it out pretty good."

"And Alph--er, Mark?"

Natalie sighed as she sorted through items in the fridge. "He's scraped up. Though between you and me," she quieted her voice, "I don't think Mark gave it his all."

Harley put creamer and sugar in her coffee and stirred. "What's going to happen to him?"

"We're going to another pack."

Harley's hand jerked on the spoon in surprise, dripping coffee onto the table.

Bailey had a suitcase in her hand. She shot Harley a sad smile. "I think my father and I need to rediscover what it means to be pack."

Harley said nothing, her hands tightened into fists on the flat surface.

Bailey noticed. "Harley--" she choked up, "I'm so--"

"Don't." Harley hissed. She couldn't look at Bailey. This Bailey was unrecognizable. In the beginning, Bailey'd been a sweet, cool girl--the only one truly welcoming to Harley when she'd arrived. Now...

Now Jamie was more trustworthy than her half-sister.

This flip flopping was something Harley'd have to account for in the future. If this experience taught her anything, it was not to put both feet and all her trust into a relationship right away. People often had hidden secrets up their sleeve.

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