Chapter 25

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There were too many questions about the wolf and not nearly enough answers. As they approached, Will pulled her slightly behind him, ready to face the wolf first. He curled his hand around hers, fingers intertwining, and didn't let go.

Harley loved it.

"I don't get it," she whispered behind him, "wouldn't his first instinct be to protect the Omega?"

"It should've been."

"I'm not even a wolf. Does your wolf sense me as a wolf?"

Will shook his head, his focus never leaving the rogue. "My wolf knows you're different. But he likes you."

Her heart skipped a beat. "Really?"


The thought of Will's wolf liking her gave her butterflies. Especially since wolves sometimes didn't agree with their human counterpart. Having the animal like or even love someone else was a wonderful sign.

She put her other hand on Will's arm, resisting the urge to admire the muscle there. Focus, Harley. "This is the third time I've seen him."

"Every time he's been spotted on pack grounds, you were there."

"He's snuck through that many times?" If a rogue got through their patrols that easily, how safe where they really?

"It doesn't make sense. And I've talked to the patrols. There should have been a trace, a scent left behind. They've gotten nothing."

"Is that possible? To leave no scent?" Scent was everything to werewolves. Unless this rogue washed himself in the stream over and over, there was no way he'd--

Will's hand tightened painfully, his entire frame tensing up. "Harley. Harley, a wolf's scent can become normal if they move about the same territory often enough."

"You're telling me this wolf has been on the property the whole time? Hiding? Wouldn't he get caught sometime?"

Will's voice sounded hollow as he said, "not necessarily. Not if he knew the territory well enough. Not if he's had years to get to know it by heart."

"Will, I don't understand."

"If his scent has been here for years--if he was once a part of the pack, then the patrols would write him off--"

And then she knew. The fur, the way he treated her. Deep down in her gut, in her soul she just...knew.

She crumbled to her knees. "Mathias?"

The wolf whined and padded over. He nudged at her chin with his muzzle and accepted her fingers as they threaded through his fur.

Within seconds her heart burst, sobs wracking her frame. Over and over she said his name. Like if she'd only say it enough, it'd help her realize this wasn't a dream. Her brother was alive. He'd somehow, someway survived the attack, the explosion.

"How?" Her voice wasn't much more than a croak. "The attack--I"

Mathias looked up at her, his amber-green eyes big. He tried to convey something to her.

But her brain had started an endless loop. Mathias was here. Mathias, her brother, had survived the attack. Somehow. And he'd been here the whole time on pack territory.

Her heart clenched painfully as another thought took over. "You've been here all along. And I left you." After the attack, she'd gone to live with her Aunt Tracy and Uncle Eric for years. For years, Mathias had been right under their nose, closer than she thought. "You have to hate me. For abandoning you like that."

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