Chapter 35

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The medic tent, according to Dominic, was near the center of camp. Getting inside without being noticed would be difficult--and pulling Harley to safety even more so.

Which was why their group decided to split up.

"Your distraction has to be big enough to pull most of them away from the camp," Will had said earlier.

Will, Dominic, Ben, Mathias, and Cam were one unit. The other wolves, led by Oliver, would be responsible for the distraction and serve as reinforcements if needed. Their smaller group would focus on getting Harley out safely.

They waited at the edge of the camp, near the outer edge patrol, for their signal.

"Think he'll miss the excitement?" Ben whispered. He gestured with his chin at the large unconscious guard they'd knocked out and balanced against a tree.

"Maybe. We'll be gone either way."

In the distance, a "bird" squawked.

The signal.

Someone shouted in alarm before the whole camp exploded into chaos. Screams, the pounding of boots, a roaring wolf. Will watched as the numerous tents burst open and people flooded out.

Gray smoke danced up into the sky.

"Fire!" Someone yelled. "Get the extinguishers!"

Will nodded at his team. "Let's go."

Acting like panicked individuals was easy. They ran, eyes darting around as they headed to the tent.

Ben had given Dominic his shirt which, because of his skinnier frame, managed to cover the important bits. The only thing out of order with their act was the two men missing half their clothes. But by the time anyone would have noticed, they'd already hit the tent.

Will whipped open the tent flaps. The adrenaline pumped through his system, his senses on alert.

He darted inside, whirling as a man already in there pointed a weapon at him. In one swift motion, he'd grabbed the wrist holding the gun and twisted. With a cry, the man dropped it.

Will landed a right hook to his jaw. The guy dropped like a stone.

Cam took care of the other guy in about the same time.

The rest of the tent was empty. In the middle of it was a standard table with a rumpled red and white blanket. A set of supply bins stood in the corner.

Will strode over to it, sorting through the materials inside. Gauze, hydrogen peroxide, half used vials, new syringe packets, boxes of band aids. And that was just one drawer. The other drawers held more medical supplies than he knew what to do with.

"Where would they have taken her?" Ben asked Dominic.

"I don't know. They should have kept her here. This has the most medical supplies. The rest of the tents are just tents. If my mom's looking to test someone, I don't know why--"

At the door, Mathias leaned on his haunches and growled low.

Will readied himself.

A man stepped through the doorway. "I told her it was a distraction. Look at me, thinking."

The man had two other men with him, but even with the extra people, Will's team outnumbered them.

"Howdy, gentlemen," he nodded at Mathias. "Wolfy. The names Blackthorne."

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