Chapter 2: Runin with Nash and Caring Dad

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Note: pic above is Theo James (professor James) and Kylie Jenner( Madilyn James)

Madilyns P.o.v
As I came home from a hard day a the hellhole you call school, I see my dad (aka professor James) sleeping on his front side on the couch and said "hey dad I'm home from school" he said "oh, hi honey, how was your day???" I said "it was miserable because I ran into Nash Grier this morning and we had an incident" then he said "well I'm going to have to call the principal to fix this" then I said "no, your just going to make things worse for me" then he said " so what do you propose I do about this" then I said "just let me handle it like I always have been","plus I have friends to help me and I kinda have the most popular guy at school backing me up", then he said "wow that must be some boy if he's helping defend my daughter" then I smiled and blushed and giggled and said "yeah, you could say that" then he examines me and says "sounds like you have a crush on him",then I said "I most certainly do not!!! Gross dad", then he said "Maddy, don't lie to me and yourself " then I said "okay dad" and I asked him "how was the seminar"then he said "it was tiring, but educational and I learned from it enough to teach my students better",then I said "that's great dad",then I went upstairs to my room, then plopped on my bed on my back and asked myself "Do I really have a crush on the most popular and hottest guy in school???"

A/n: sorry for the short chapter ik I promised it was gun b longer but I thought this length might coincide more with the story, I promise chapter 3 will be more lengthy and I'll try to update as often as I can since tomorrow there is no school due to Veterans Day but idk if I'm going to be able to write a lot tomorrow cuz I'm going to my bestie's to watch the outfield with her btw plz buy it on iTunes to support Cam and Nash it's $9.99 and its #3 right now and it deserves #1 so plz buy it and support Cam and Nash anyways.... I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter plz vote and leave comments and I assure you chapter 3 is gun b amazing anyways..... Bye yalls luv ya✌🏻️😘

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