Chapter 9: Bethany The bully and Maddy The Victim

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Maddilyn' P.O.V
It was a gloomy Monday afternoon and I was at lunch in the girls bathroom with Patrice in the stalls and I hear queen Bethany herself and her little follower Jenn Mcallister aka JennXpenn

Bethany's convo with Jenn:

Bethany: Did you hear that Fugly skank Maddilyn James is going out with thee Cameron Dallas?

Jenn:Yeah tragic ain't it? She's not that pretty and he's way out of her league

Bethany: yeah I know like what dose that guy see in that fugly ass hoebag anyway Like I mean we are so much prettier that her

Maddy runs out of the bathroom crying

Patrice:Maddy wait

*Socks Bethany's jaw and says:

"don't you ever talk about my best friend like that again or else I'll do so much worse"

*runs after her but loses her

Patrice P.O.V

Breaks out phone texts Maddy

P:where r u I'm worried sick 😰🤒

M:I'm in my hiding spot

P:I'll b there shortly

Patrice: are you okay?

Madilyn: well that cruel ass bitch Bethany talked about me like that so what do you think?(sarcasm)

Patrice: I know and I'm sorry that it happened I got so mad that I slugged her jaw

Madilyn: you didn't have to do that and resort to a drastic measure like that

Patrice: Dude!,your my best friend of course I had to do that

Madilyn: thanks P I love you so much

P: I love you too

Patrice's P.O.V

Cam is not going to take this kindly once he knows what happened (Cam sneaks behind Patrice)

Cameron: hey where's Maddy? Have u seen her?

Patrice: yes and she went home early

Cameron: Why!??

Patrice:because that big mouthed bitch Bethany was bad mouthing her in the bathroom and she pretty much ran out and went to her hiding spot and then later texted me that she went home

Cameron: oh 😔 I'm sorry that happened I'll make sure Bethany gets a real stern talking to

Patrice: I don't think that's a good idea

Cameron: well I gotta protect my baby girl

*goes off to find Bethany

Cameron's P.O.V

Cameron: Bethany, I heard you talked shit about my girlfriend

Bethany: yeah and???

Cameron: and I'd like it if you not fucking bad mouth my girlfriend

Bethany: and what are you gonna do about it 😉(flirts)

Cameron: I'll ruin you in the worst way possible

Bethany: whatever you say 😉

Cameron: I'm glad we have come to an understanding see you later

*leaves school and goes to Maddy's house through the window again

Cameron: hey baby Patrice told me what happened and I'm really terribly sorry

Madilyn: I don't want to talk about it

Cameron: Please!!! Tell me tell me I want to know

Madilyn: Bethany and Jenn said that they were prettier than me and Your way out of my league witch upset me so much that I had to get away

Cameron: that is so not true you are far more beautiful than they'll ever be and they're so wrong you are right in my zone therefore you are perfect for me there isn't anyone else for me you are the only one that I'll ever love and ever need and those fugly ass bitches don't compare to your beauty and they're ignorant comments can suck it you are more pure and genuine then goes fake ass hoebags will ever be you're my girl and you'll always be my girl nobody could compare to you

Madilyn:😭😆 (crying tears of joy) awwwww Cameron I love you so much

Cameron: I love you too baby girl always 😘

Madilyn: i'm tired can we cuddle???

Cameron: sure thing baby anything for you 😉

*cuddles cam and falls asleep

* Cameron whispers

"You are my forever you are my always I'll be with you till the end i'll always be there for you"

A/n:sorry I haven't been on lately is just that I've been so swamped with school and pretty much life as you can tell and I'm pretty I'm so sorry for being MIA from wattpad i'm going to try and write more and I promise more Bilby more talkers to com I am going to try and write more and I promise there will be more chapters to come anyways...... I hope you like and enjoy this Chapter don't forget to vote and comment OK? Anyways... I love you guys all so much thank you so much for reading deuces 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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